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The state of powerlessness occurs when a person took some actions to change the situation, but it did not change or changed slightly. This does not suit the person, it frustrates him, and together with other feelings, he experiences powerlessness. “There is no more strength.” When there is no strength, what should you do? - gain strength! But if a person ignores the fact that his strength has run out, ignores the feelings of powerlessness, then he will not stop gaining strength, but will continue to become exhausted, earning depression, burnout and many other undesirable things. Why does a person not know how to stop when he feels powerless and does not allow himself to gain strength ? Because then he will have to admit something unpleasant to himself. Codependents cannot admit to themselves that they cannot save the addict, because they cannot control everyone and everything - there is the will of the other person, and if he does not want to change, it will not be possible to change him. Therefore, the first step of the 12 step program is “admit our powerlessness over the addiction/illness of another.” Step one, but very difficult. And you admitted powerlessness more than once, but you learn to live, admitting it every time, enduring this feeling more and more. Because life throws up other problems with age, everyone around begins to die, and we grow old, and in general there is some kind of chaos. In therapy, the psychologist also experiences powerlessness when he sees a client whose psyche has been formed and lived for years according to certain principles and cannot change for 1 minute, per 1 session. You can’t just take away the client’s pain and take it away. For a psychologist, being powerless means being able to withstand the fact that a client can accuse him of incompetence and leave, for example. Or something else will happen that is unbearable for the psychologist. Everyone has their own fears. If you stop in a state of powerlessness, stay in it, explore your feelings, cry, grieve, notice yourself, then the strength to move forward will begin to appear. There is a lot of loneliness and isolation in powerlessness, you need to let someone in there. In addition, there is a lot of resource in powerlessness - you can choose a trajectory there, use it as a starting point, where you can always return to correct your choice. Your kingdom is powerless and you reign there, do what you want! And to ignore powerlessness is to hit the wall, bury yourself in pain, wasting precious time on futile attempts and further recovery, and sometimes health in general. My telegram channel: https://t.me/krasavinamaria Come for consultations: +7(952)3531663
