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Any person has experience of getting into such a game. You don’t immediately realize that you are in the game of a hysteric or a narcissist. These are compliments and the duty of politeness requires you to listen to the compliment and respond with gratitude. But then you can fall into the trap and fall for the compliment: it’s nice to hear good things about yourself. Because the goal of the game between a hysteric and a narcissist is to put a crown on a person, and then publicly, with force, unexpectedly knock it off. And so devalue the person who accidentally fell into the hands of a hysteric or narcissist. The hysteric and the narcissist went hunting in the morning, because the time had come to replenish their energy reserves - to find someone and take energy away from him. The person in this case acts as an object, not a player, only the one who started the hunting game plays, this is his game and he leads her in his inner plane. But the object remains left with residue - it was trampled and de-energized. This is a game of manipulation and the sooner the offended person understands, the better. How the crown is knocked down: either rudely, or with humor, maybe a long game, maybe quickly. The main thing is that the energy is taken away by the effect of surprise and the player gets a buzz from this. This is how he gains significance for himself. The hysteric usually speaks to the point, for example, he praises the doctor, who, as always, gives his all, because he is a man of duty, cures the hysterical, and he suddenly says: it took a long time to treat something - but in Israel it’s the same They do the most in one go and it doesn’t hurt so much. Subtext - you will never be a good doctor, Israel is like walking to heaven for you - i.e. never. The manipulation here is double: he lies about Israel and therefore it makes no sense to compare anyone with anyone else, and he lies that he knows the truth and understands it, but at the same time he does it so convincingly that everyone believes. And if he performs this trick in public, then everyone who comes to this doctor will run after the hysterical person to ask about the location of the miracle in Israel, then the hysterical person can play another game with those who fell for his monstrous lie-provocation. A hysterical player on many game boards at once. The main thing is to lie so monstrously that they believe it; the more monstrous, the more reliable. Still, they believe in the slogan - a simple remedy for everything. Or a hysterical woman attracts with her immense love a lonely man who is desperate to be loved and to love and trust himself, and marries him - and then it turns out (or she is acting out, inventing something that does not exist) that there is also another favorite, i.e. she never loved him because he is not worthy of love, no one loves you and therefore you must die. In fact, a hysteric comes to execute a person - or chooses him in the form of revenge on him personally, or he simply accidentally fell into the hands of a famished hysteric. The reader himself can give examples. The narcissist plays no less softly: he says we are the chosen ones, we are subtle, only it is possible for us to be polite, well-mannered, spiritual, sincere, we are not that this is a redneck, we understand (for example, as there are often discussions on the site) - that the psychologist is illiterate, but we will not disgrace him, he himself knows that he illiterate, but let’s still discuss HIM without mentioning HIS name, let’s talk about it, it’s so important for us who are so literate, not like THAT psychologist from the cattle. And the suggestible ones begin to discuss something. To the question - what to do if my psychologist turned out to be illiterate - one must always answer with the same multi-dimensional manipulation - take off your pants and run (Russian folk saying - manipulation in response to such a manipulative request) and understand it, manipulator, as you want - why take off... those more pants... and where to run.... https://www.b17.ru/article/417067/Dear reader! Let's exchange opinions on this matter. Contact me for help not only if you want to solve your problem, but also if you want a higher quality of your life, to achieve greater success in all areas of life. Make an appointment by phone +79119887123, SMS, WhatsApp.
