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From the author: this article was posted on my page in contact, in notes, as well as on the old version of the sapphire website so that you can find a common language with any person, which means you avoid conflicts, like, made friends, charmed, smoothed corners, you should remember about the types of perception. In addition, this knowledge will help you understand which type you are and which channel of information you should strengthen. Visuals. Visuals can be quite thin and lean. They often have thin lips (not to be confused with digitals, whose lips are quite dense, but pursed). The usual grimace - slightly raised eyebrows as a sign of attention. The voice is most often high-pitched. Visuals usually sit upright and stand too. If they slouch, they still lift their head up. When communicating, they maintain such a distance in order to better see the interlocutor. Therefore, they usually sit further away to increase the field of view. Imagine a planning meeting at work. The kinesthetics sit closest to the bosses, and the visuals take the seats opposite to better see how the kinesthetics will be flogged. For visual learners, it is important that it is beautiful. Appearance comes first for them. And you are unlikely to see them in dirty, wrinkled clothes - not only for reasons of decency, but first of all, due to the demands of internal aesthetics. Visual learners are good storytellers: they can imagine a picture and describe it. And they plan well. In general, the visual system is very successful for planning and dreaming. If you need to explain something to a visual learner, it is advisable to simultaneously show graphs, tables, drawings, pictures, photographs. Or, as a last resort, show with your hands how big your joint success will be. Kinesthetics. These are people who value convenience, comfort and are attentive to their own body. They have it quite dense, their lips are wide and full-blooded. Kinesthetic people usually sit leaning forward and often slouch. They speak slowly, their voice is often muffled and low. They may wear an old, ratty, patched sweater just because it's comfortable. But what he looks like is not so important. Kinesthetic learners like to be close to the interlocutor in order to touch. And if your partner constantly tries to fiddle with some part of your toilet, twists a button, touches it - this is most likely a kinesthetic person. Kinesthetic learners are people of action. They need to move, run, spin, touch, taste and smell. This is their way of perceiving the world, they simply don’t understand anything differently (by the way, all action verbs usually relate to kinesthetics: run, walk, pull, press, roll, saw, plan, hit, swing). This, however, does not mean that kinesthetics are very mobile, it’s just that their main instrument of perception is the body, and their method is movement, action. Even if they read the instructions, they need to immediately try what is written in practice, otherwise they simply will not perceive the text. Kinesthetic learners usually plan very poorly - they do not have the ability to come up with something. Therefore, they prefer to get involved in the process first and figure it out later. The process itself is sometimes more important to them than the result. At the same time, kinesthetics can have a hard time withstanding stress and uncomfortable situations: they immerse themselves in all these experiences. They have difficulty refusing others and saying “no.” Auditory learners. They have a rather characteristic “telephone pose” - their head is slightly to one side, closer to the shoulder. But if the head is to one side and slightly forward, then if it is tilted to the right, it is more likely a kinesthetic, and if it is to the left, then it is a digital channel. The voices of auditory learners are usually very expressive, deep, melodic, and often have a good ear for music. A characteristic feature of an auditory person is a love of conversation. This is everything for them: they live in conversation, in sounds, in melodies and rhythms. They are just looking for a reason to talk - there are no rhetorical questions for them. If you ask how life is, they will honestly start telling you how life is. At the same time, they may not particularly focus on auditory words, but use both visual and kinesthetic ones, but in a very.
