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Depression is a very common problem nowadays. And this is not just a low mood, it is a whole symptom complex. Depression is a serious mental disorder that manifests itself in the form of constant low mood, loss of interest in life and activities, as well as decreased self-esteem and energy. It is not a whim or laziness, and also does not go away on its own; the help of a specialist is required. Here is what the complaints of a person suffering from depression may look like: My problem is that sometimes there are moments of apathy and low mood, at such moments I don’t want to do anything except sleep . I cry very often. there is no desire to do anything and live in general, my mood drops from thoughts, the thought that I don’t need anything, that I’m nobody, low self-esteem, I bring myself down with such thoughts, why does this happen and why can’t I live like other people, enjoy the little things, appreciate life? I feel like I’m not joining society....What should I do and what should I do about it? The first thing you need to start with is to see a psychotherapist or psychiatrist in person, based on the results of the diagnosis and a personal conversation, the doctor will make a diagnosis. If it turns out, If depression is mild or moderate in severity, it can be dealt with through a course of conversational psychotherapy. The preferred method of psychotherapy is CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). Its effectiveness in the treatment of neuroses and depression has been scientifically proven. If it turns out that the depression is severe, then in this case psychotherapy alone will not be enough. In addition to this, special medications are prescribed. Here are some recommendations that you can use to help yourself. This will not replace a trip to the doctor and a course of psychotherapy, but it will help improve your condition. 1. Spend more time on your health. Take care of your physical and emotional well-being. Get more sleep and eat healthy.2. Keep track of what you do during the day and what brings you pleasure?3. Rate the degree of this pleasure from 0 to 5. Keep a diary in which you will write down what you tracked.4. Analyze in a week or two. Try to spend more time on things that bring you pleasure.5. Change your lifestyle. Hobbies that bring you joy and pleasure can help you fight depression. You can try new hobbies, meditation, or just relax.6. Find support in your community. Tell friends or family how you feel and ask them for help. Use connections with loved ones to maintain a positive atmosphere.7. Start playing sports. Any physical activity improves your mood. You can try brisk walking with poles, swimming or dancing, anything that helps you move actively. Even if it seems to you that you have no strength at all and it will only get worse, start moving, little by little, and you will see that you have much more strength than you think. Movement and sports increase the amount of serotonin, the mood hormone, and dopamine, the pleasure hormone. At the same time, exercise reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and reduces tension and anxiety.8. Set yourself goals. Goals can help you stay motivated and busy. Set realistic goals that will be achieved in the near future.9. Try any relaxation methods. Autogenic training, meditation, calming breathing techniques, progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson. Try different options and choose what suits you. .10. Think about what doesn’t suit you in your life, what would you like to change? Rvbota? Partner? Or something else? If you notice that your environment is making you depressed, try to change it. In conclusion, depression is a serious problem that needs to be treated. You can help yourself using these simple tips. Don't forget that you are not alone in your struggle and that you can always seek help and support from a specialist.: +7 911 734-74-31
