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From the author: Achieving a goal is a simple step-by-step technology, following which a person can achieve any goal, no matter how incredible they may seem at the beginning. But not everyone achieves their goal, because, as in mathematics, in achieving a goal there are necessary conditions, failure to comply with which slows down and sometimes stops progress. Achieving a goal: Necessary conditions. You know that I returned from Shaolin, where I went to practice with master Xuyi Mingtang. What was interesting there this time...This year in Shaolin, the Master focused on the theme of achieving the goal and obtaining results. The fact is that the Master was invited to Harvard (the leading university in the world) to head the direction of Chinese medicine, which will now be taught to doctors all over peace. Mintang's dream, which he had been pursuing for 20 years, came true. Twenty years ago, he dreamed that image therapy (one of the oldest branches of Chinese medicine, now restored by Xu Mingtang) would be accepted by doctors all over the world as an official method of treatment. The master understood that for this it was necessary for the leading university in the world to begin teaching image therapy to doctors who were improving their qualifications. And then it all happened. An agreement was signed to open a direction of Chinese medicine at Harvard for non-Chinese doctors and this direction was headed by Master Zhong Yuan Qigong Xu Mingtang. For me, this is an example of a really achieved high goal, making me think about the scale of personal goals and the conditions for achieving them. What is necessary to achieve a goal? Firstly: you must have one goal! One idea for a given period of time. This will give concentration of attention, energy, and all resources. Secondly: you must believe! Believe that I can! And no “ifs”! Thirdly: there must be strength of mind. The power of the mind is responsible for bringing things to fruition in any matter, big or small. If the strength of the mind is weak, then a person wanders here and there - there are many undertakings, but there is no result. It seems that he has talent and intelligence, but has achieved nothing: the strength of the mind is weak. It is important to realize the power of your mind and develop it. Fourth: do the best you can do every day, and do not expect results. Step by step, step by step, you will rise to your goal, doing at least something for your goal every day. Why not wait for the result? Because the distance to the goal can be very large at first, and fear has “big eyes.” But, as they say, “the eyes fear, the hands do,” and more confidence: I can do it! I wish you high goals and great achievements. With love, Larisa Voronova
