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One way or another, every young family has encountered this. The younger the family, the higher the likelihood of him or her living with their parents. Living with parents, what is it like? Good bad? The question is very sensitive, because here two generations collide: the new one, which has adapted and is adapting to the modern realities of the world, and the old one - these are parents who are rooted in some kind of past and having several present realities. It rarely happens that parents keep up with progress and, based on current realities, change and adapt. But, I want to note that there are such people. In my opinion, the war of these “worlds” is connected for several reasons: 1) The experience of one generation and the lack of experience of another. How do you know who is more experienced? Who is older is right? Here we should proceed from the personal characteristics of each person and his experience to date. 2) Different views on life. Remember, literally 20-30 years ago the view of the family was completely different. For example, it was honorable to have only one partner with whom to live for the rest of your life. It is precisely “necessary”, because society could condemn and impose a massive sense of guilt on the family in the event of, God forbid, divorce. “God endured and commanded us.” “If you endure it, you will fall in love.” Now it has become much easier: married - divorced. Previous generations had a ossified attitude towards the family as an institution. This may have had both a positive and negative impact. Positive: many children grew up in two-parent families, with a mother and father. We were actively developing. Negative: these kids now go to psychotherapists because... they might not receive enough love from these moms and dads, and even worse, they might get moral and psychological trauma. Now imagine that a young family, a guy and a girl, want to try to live together, but financial opportunities are tight. They decide to live, for example, with her. What could be? 1) Inflated demands. Increased demand for achieving results from the MP. because the girl is on her own territory and has a “support group” in the form of her mother and father, then she can show herself in the person of her parents as powerful, active, kind and sweet. A mistress, but keeping a tight rein on the man. Because she is always supported, her demands intensify, but at the same time, without noticing her own development and achievements. A man’s successes can be devalued, reduced to zero, from which the man will be forced to leave. “We see a speck in someone else’s eye, but we don’t find a log in our own.”2) The girl’s parents are trying to raise MCH, thinking that this will be better for both him and her. After all, it was not for nothing that such a treasure was raised. All for the sake of my beloved daughter. The outcome is not far off.3) In case of quarrels, the majority of support will be in the direction of the daughter, even if she may be wrong. But everything can be the other way around. 1) This could be support from parents: products, training, courses, finances. This can be especially useful when the family is only in the “embryo” stage and is not particularly on its feet. 2) Training in home crafts (depending on the young family). A girl’s parents, for example, teach and advise her MCH how to quickly find a job with minimal costs, and also quickly move up the career ladder. 3) Initially, the child’s attitude towards the partner was positive. The issue of parenthood and housing is very individual. Some people think, based on their own experience or the experience of friends, that living with parents is not worth it. Some people see this as great support and support for the future. And what do you think, is living with parents at the initial stage the norm or not??
