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There are different types of depression. Clinical depression, for example, is a disease that needs to be treated using not only psychological methods, but also pharmacology. However, quite often, depression is called sadness, melancholy, melancholy, low mood. At the same time, many are inclined to use drugs because they have the false idea that “a normal person should always be cheerful, optimistic and positive!” However, Charles Darwin also wrote about the benefits of depression. He said that a sad person and a sad animal make better decisions and are much more likely to avoid danger. Sometimes a modest depression can save our lives and protect us from death, wrote Darwin, who was himself prone to depression. In his opinion, there is no need to treat such conditions; they go away on their own if a person makes the right decision! Andrews and Thompson, an evolutionary psychologist and psychiatrist, came to an interesting conclusion - depression is given for a person to make a decision. Depression is the torment of not making a decision. First, the stage of “rumination” occurs - mental chewing gum. A person thinks about the same thing. He thinks, thinks, ruminates, chews the same thing. But he doesn’t make a decision. There can be many reasons for this. Perhaps he lacks willpower, outside support, or is driven by fear of change. Then comes the stage of depression. That is why a conversation with a psychologist is most often the “treatment” that cannot be achieved with the help of an antidepressant. The famous psychiatrist Thompson describes the history of treatment of one of his patients. One day Mrs. N came to him and asked him to stop taking the pills. The decision was unexpected, because the drugs helped her and, in her own words, her mood became even and calm. The doctor was surprised, and she explained: “my mood became so even and calm that even life with my husband, who is a monster and an alcoholic, began to seem quite bearable to me. But it’s high time for me to make a decision and get a divorce!” Thus, everything has a meaning, and sadness too. To summarize, we can say that there is no single correct way to treat depression, most often they are used in combination, and scientists’ hypothesis is that depression is an overdue solution that we cannot accept in any way, it only confirms the fact that drugs are most often not a panacea, and psychological methods are more effective in solving the problem.
