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The greatest wealth of a people is its language! Mikhail Sholokhov Two episodes prompted me to write this article. I’m walking down the alley and three girls come towards me and swear at me. And the girls look 10-12 years old. Again I remembered my youth - in 10 years of studying at school, I never heard a single word of obscene language from my classmates. The second episode - my son was allowed to install TikTok on his tablet, and what did I hear... .as they say, our ears have begun to wither. What’s going on in RuNet regarding swearing is not even worth mentioning. The topic is becoming relevant due to the fact that a bill will soon come into force completely banning the use of swear words in the media. An interesting question, what hasn’t yet Is it forbidden to swear in the media?! What is happening? It is painful to look at the changes that have occurred in the culture of people in Russia in the post-communist era. The absence of a national idea that unites the country and supports the moral principles of coexistence was lost with the cessation of the construction of communism. But a new idea was not found. The communists had a Moral Code of the Builder of Communism, which hung on the wall in every school. And it is very similar to the biblical commandments. And what we are going to and how we need to treat ourselves and people was repeated many times by teachers in the 1st, 2nd and 10th grades of school... And not only was it repeated, I did everything so that it would become part of those who leave school and go into adulthood. What now? Nothing. The spiritual and moral impoverishment of society is showing itself more and more clearly. -What can we do? - can any of us answer under the corrupt state power that defends and defends the interests of the industrial-financial oligarchy? It seems that absolutely nothing. But this is not so. Pay attention to what changes are taking place in our native Russian language, in which we think and We communicate every day. For many of our compatriots, this is no longer Russian, but slang. And what is especially unpleasant, swearing enters everyday life as something completely natural and acceptable. Let’s start with our loved ones? How do psychologists treat swearing? Many do not allow the use of swearing . By and large, swearing is verbal aggression. How justified is it? There are cases when, indeed, it is justified, when an extreme situation begins to speak its own language. When one on one and to the point. But many psychologists, and not too few of them, simply allow the use of swearing and approve. Following the trend of helping people remove unreasonable inhibitions, psychologists like to resolve everything. In addition to this, there is one more installation: do not accumulate emotions, engage in reaction. All this is true. But for some reason, these patterns should extend to discharging oneself with the help of swearing? I don’t argue that in some cases helping a person remove unreasonable prohibitions is really a necessary thing. But this cannot be the calls of psychologists - swear and you will feel better . This is a contamination of the language, this is a violation of moral standards of communication, and in a public place administrative liability is provided for obscene language. The decline of the culture of the people, the loss of spiritual and moral values ​​manifests itself, first of all, in the language. And each of us can prevent the collapse of spiritual, cultural, moral values, if he makes his speech cleaner, more spiritual. After all, the language of poetry existed and still exists. The language of highly artistic prose. You can get much more pleasure from correct speech than from slang. “The language of the people is the best, never fading and always blooming again flower of their entire spiritual life. Language is the highest achievement of humanity” K. Ushinsky The use of obscene words that denote sacred objects - male and female genitalia and the act as a result of which we all owe our lives and thanks to which our children were born. “Stick” these greatest values ​​anywhere and broadcast them to any!
