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You've probably seen people who seem to have a fiery engine instead of a heart, or even a nuclear reactor - they live truly brightly, they have a lot of energy. “What are they taking?” you think. I'll tell you a secret - these people do what they really like in life. In other words, they found their life's work. Since Soviet times, we were brought up that work is not fun, and it needs to be given a lot of attention, and it is not at all necessary that it should be joyful, on the contrary, work should be difficult in order to return after her and say “I’m so tired!”, plop down on the sofa, open a bottle of beer and watch football. Moreover, if work brings joy, then the question arises: are you doing nonsense? After all, work is a serious matter and is in no way consistent with the statement that it can supposedly bring joy. Almost like sex in the Victorian era: during sex, a decent English woman should think about Great Britain and the Kingdom. Funny? This is the same “funny” thing about our work in the modern world. Now we (thank God) are no longer in Soviet times, and people can do whatever they want. And if so, wouldn’t it be wiser to choose an activity that you really like, so that you don’t hopelessly search for motivation to do it, but so that the very thought of this Thing starts that same engine inside and whack, you are already doing it and not notice how time flies. And now you are already involved in this interesting process, and you get angry when you are distracted from it. Well, what if they also pay decent money for it? Would you say that this doesn’t happen? I'll disappoint you: it happens. Moreover, more and more often people are discovering this secret. In psychology there are the concepts of Mission and Purpose. It is understood that a person who has found his Mission and identified his Destination finds the meaning of life, and he no longer has the question of where to get his energy from. This source of endless energy becomes available to him. It is the coordination of one’s life with the Mission that allows a person to begin to perceive such nasty things as self-discipline or time management simply as mandatory, but not burdensome elements, valuable and necessary for quickly obtaining maximum pleasure from life. Nothing more than knowledge of your Mission allows you to discover the creative potential buried within yourself until recently. An amazing thing, but what incredible attractiveness men, burning with a passion for life, gain for women! How freely women reveal their innermost souls and blossom. But there are small difficulties. The fact is that the later you understand why you live, the more difficult it is to change something in life. Psychologists say that a person’s beliefs can change freely until the age of 28 (for both men and women), and after this period it becomes more and more difficult to change anything in life. Children's dreams remain buried with the words “What now...”. This makes me feel bitter. After all, how much pleasure and joy every person misses every day, when he could live a real life at least for a moment. In order to help you deal with the obstacles that stand in the way of defining and realizing your true Mission and your personal Destination, I invite you to attend my free seminar “How to find your life’s work in 60 minutes”, which will take place on Wednesday, August 1, at 19:00 Moscow time. I am sure that you will want to take the chance to bring into your life the joy and energy that has always been with you, you just didn’t realize it.
