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“We” – what is it? Why is it so important not to be alone... And why does the feeling of loneliness still overtake, and even more so the more a person runs away from it? In classes on the program “Slimness as a New Level of Successful Life” we often talk about loneliness, misunderstanding, and rejection. It often happens that a person remains, as it were, in isolation. Why can you feel deeply lonely even when surrounded by relatives, colleagues, and friends? People around you rejoice, get closer, love each other. And it seems to someone that he (she) is deprived of this, and this injustice gives rise to feelings of loneliness, disappointment, and resentment. So how does it happen that the desire for community in “we” leads to a feeling of loneliness? When I don’t get what I want, I ask myself: “What did I do to get what I want?” Then I look for the mistakes I made and accordingly change my behavior to a more effective one. The usual scheme. I think many people use it. But it’s very difficult to see your mistakes, it’s difficult to accept and admit them. It’s even more difficult to understand how to fix them... Have you ever said the phrase: “all men...!” or: “all women...!”? Would you like to hear this about yourself?... And what does a person look like from the outside when he utters such expressions? Avoid generalizations. Everything, always, in general, never... There is no you in this, there is no one real. And only in the word I do you appear! Talk about yourself, You are the only person in whose life you are competent! Feel your Self worthy. Has this ever happened to you: You call a loved one, he (she) doesn’t answer the phone, and something similar to this flashes through your head: “He (she) doesn’t need me, he (she) thinks that there is no need to stand on ceremony with me , he (she) is not interested in me!..."?2. Stop thinking for others. Or can you read minds? Show respect to the other - ask if you understood him (her) correctly. Listen to the answer. And “You” will appear - that other person with whom intimacy and sincerity arise. Maybe this also happens: You did something good to someone, just like that, without any ulterior motives, but you didn’t feel gratitude... . And this, if you remain silent, “not notice,” creates a crack in the relationship (see paragraph 2 and paragraph 1 J). Do you talk about your gratitude or are you silent for some reason, hoping that people already understand that you are grateful to them?3. Gratitude. Thank your parents for the gift of life, your friends for their trust, your teachers for the gift of wisdom, and the universe for your opportunities. Accept gratitude. Accepting gratitude is also a gift of respect, trust and intimacy to the person thanking. This is how “We” arises - community with others, the opportunity to receive and give support. “I” - “You” - “We” - Love, friendship, intimacy, community... There are many ways to be happy, one of them is to develop with the help of psychological trainings, classes, consultations, with the help of professional psychologists. Lesson “Female Charm” "This is another way to better understand yourself, and therefore even improve the quality of your life. Women's charm - have you noticed how many facets it has? And how many possibilities? Every woman is beautiful... in her own way. Femininity is much more than just the desire to please men , this is a special state of radiance, acceptance, love, creation. The purpose of this class is for each participant to feel softness and strength, fullness and shine, to activate intuition and charm, to awaken deep femininity. The class uses group exercises, meditation, games, art therapy and phototherapy in a warm, supportive environment. After completing this lesson, you will see in yourself the beauty and power of manifestations of feminine charm. You will meet an amazing and wise woman who lives in each of us. You will discover new opportunities for expressing the joy of being a woman. Additional information and pre-registration by phone. 47-69-88 from 10 to 20 o'clock. Sincerely, Elena.
