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An abuser is a person who systematically and purposefully causes harm to another person (usually their partner) in various forms, such as physical violence, emotional and/or psychological violence, sexual violence, economic violence and/or social violence. Recognizing an abuser can be difficult , since many abusers know how to disguise themselves and hide their real face in the initial stage of a relationship. However, there are a few signs to look out for:1. Control: the abuser seeks to control all areas of his partner's life, from a ban on communication with friends and family to control over finances and place of work.2. Desire to manipulate: The abuser may use various strategies to make their partner feel guilty or convince them that they are thinking and feeling wrong.3. Constant criticism: The abuser will constantly criticize his partner, his appearance, behavior, interests and even friends.4. Violence: Physical violence can be a clear sign, however, many abusers never use physical violence but can still cause great psychological and emotional harm to their partners.5. Guilt: An abuser may use pity and promises as a strategy to get what they want from their partner.6. Emotional abuse is also a form of abusive behavior. An abuser may use ridiculous demands, humiliation, and constant criticism to instill fear and low self-esteem in the victim. It can also isolate the victim from friends and loved ones so that they are more vulnerable and defenseless. If you notice these or other signs of abuse in your relationship, it is important to take action immediately. Unfortunately, many victims of abuse stay in abusive relationships out of fear, low self-esteem, or a feeling that they don't deserve better. But remember that you have the right to a healthy and safe relationship. It is important to seek help and support from professionals such as psychologists and social workers who will help you make this difficult but important decision. Sincerely, your psychologist Daria Viktorovna Lyapkalo. If you want to analyze your individual case and find a solution, then sign up for a consultation Telegram, WhatsApp +7 952 246 08 60 Sign up for a therapeutic group for people in codependent relationships (online)
