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From the author: The article is devoted to the consideration of family education factors and their significance for the educational motivation of modern teenage schoolchildren. Some results of factor analysis are presented, which highlight such factors of family education as the relationship of adolescents with their parents, parents' help in completing homework for schoolchildren, the level of family well-being and parental education. The article focuses on interpersonal relationships in the family as a dominant factor in emotional balance and psychological the health of the child, which is the stability of the family environment. Human development is influenced by many different factors - genetic, biological, social. The main social factor influencing the formation of personality is the family. The family is that group of society that remains the most difficult to access object for research. Now the family is undergoing serious changes in its structure and functionality. On the one hand, the family has serious advantages in the socialization of the individual due to its special psychological atmosphere of love and tenderness, care and respect, understanding and support. The frequency and spontaneity of physical, emotional and socio-psychological contacts between children and parents are of great importance. An individual approach to the development of a child’s personality becomes a reality in the family. The sensitive and attentive attitude of adults towards a child allows timely identification of his abilities, support of interests and inclinations. To date, a clear conviction has formed that the characteristics of relationships in the family are an important factor shaping the child’s character and characteristics of his behavior [5]. On the other hand, the very concept of “family” "began to take on vague forms. Families are understood as very diverse associations characterized by the joint upbringing of children - mother and father, sisters, mother and grandmother, father and grandmother, mother and stepfather, father and stepmother, homosexual couples, partners-friends leading a joint household and living together, grandmother and grandfather and other possible combinations. It also happens that a child, in some order, lives and develops in several of these families. Abroad, such combinations are already recognized as the norm, and this is also happening in Russia. And it can be assumed that in the future, modern adolescents will increase variability and individualization in family organization, the idea of ​​the family-related part of the “individual development trajectory” will change, but all the consequences of these changes are still unknown [7]. There is no doubt that the family is for the child that necessary environment that creates full development and successful social formation. The levels of volitional and mental development of a child depend on how the child feels in the family, how close the relationship he has with his parents [6]. The importance of the family and its influence on the child is explained, first of all, by the fact that the family is the primary institution of socialization of children, as well as the importance of the child’s close adults due to his biological and psychological dependence on them. Analyzing the characteristics and types of family upbringing, we can identify two trends - the inability and inability of parents to raise their children, as well as the reluctance to develop them [2]. Such relationships certainly influence the child’s motivation and, above all, educational motivation, therefore the tendency for a decrease in educational motivation most often lies not in the child, but in the family situation. It is important to note that many parents treat their child as a project in which they try to realize everything that they could not achieve themselves. However, this should not be allowed, because it is also necessary to take into account the interests of the child, on which the child’s motivation to learn is directly dependent. The task of the family is to support the positive interests of the child, direct them in the right direction and, if possible, create for the childconditions for activities based on interests. An interesting fact is that adults (parents, teachers) remain one of the most important factors determining the success of school socialization of adolescents. At the same time, family attitudes influence the attitude of adolescents towards school, the acceptance (or non-acceptance) of its values ​​and norms and, most importantly, the acceptance of education and knowledge as one of the most important values ​​in life. The attitudes and values ​​of teachers and the educational institution as a whole seem to mediate relationships in the classroom, showing the success of adolescents in the main (for school) educational activities, and, thus, partially determining the degree of recognition of the teenager by classmates. A harmonious combination (even in the absence of coincidence) of value orientations and attitudes of the family and the educational institution facilitates the internalization of norms and standards by adolescents, a positive attitude towards them and, thereby, determines the process of school socialization [1]. The process of separation of a teenager from the parental family has also changed, many Young people are now starting independent lives later; the traditional conflicts of adolescence have been transferred to the post-school period of life. The consequences of the period of change are such that most modern parents are characterized by a preference for work to the detriment of family in all social strata of the population [4]. Negative social and economic trends in society (economic crisis, increased social stratification, etc.) lead to an objective deterioration in people’s living conditions . Families with children are a particularly vulnerable group to economic problems. Parents’ subjective experience of economic stress when the family’s usual standard of living decreases affects the entire system of intrafamily relations. Families in situations of changes in socio-economic status find themselves in a situation of uncertainty associated with such changes, which most often leads to a decrease in the level of psychological well-being of the family and individually of each of its members. If we consider the specific mechanisms of the influence of socio-economic status on the development of a child in the family, then Some studies can be highlighted, for example, J. Connell, who studied the impact of poverty on academic success, considers family income to be the most significant factor in academic success. In his work, parental education is the most important predictor of the harmonious development of children. An analysis of the relationship between school performance and socio-economic status, carried out by S. Sirin, showed a moderately pronounced but stable trend towards a decrease in correlations between socio-economic status and school grades. One of the facts that has been studied in detail is the connection between a high level of parental education and rapid speech and cognitive development of the child. The latter occurs due to more complex and varied parental speech and the high value of cognitive activity in the family [8]. Thus, the influence of socio-economic status on certain areas of children’s lives can increase or decrease depending on global social changes. The family is social Institute for Adolescent Personality Formation. Personality formation is the process of mastering a special sphere of social experience. As a result of this development, new motives and needs are formed, transformed and subordinated. The adolescence period marks the second “birth” of the personality, which is associated with awareness of the motives of one’s behavior and the possibility of self-education, expressed in the emergence of the desire and ability to realize one’s motives and carry out active work to subordinate and resubordinate them. It is the family that is obliged to form a physically and mentally healthy, intellectually developed personality, ready for the upcoming work, social and family life. Interpersonal relationships in the family, their influence on the formation of the personality and behavior of adolescents lies in stabilityfamily environment since its dominant is the emotional balance and mental health of the child. During adolescence, relationships with parents move to a qualitatively different stage. The specificity of the “family-teenager” relationship is determined primarily by the tasks of formation and awareness by a teenager of his identity, and fundamental transformations in the motivational sphere. A teenager has two types of needs that simultaneously coexist: the need for respect, self-determination and the need for support and joining the family “we”. I.S. Cohn states that there is practically not a single social or psychological aspect of the behavior of adolescents or young men that would not depend on their family conditions in the present or past [9]. One way or another, the facts are known that the factors influencing the development of the child’s psyche, in In one case they contribute, and in another they hinder the optimal development of the child’s personality. Thus, in some conditions, the factors of child-parent relationships will contribute to the formation of an effective motivational-need system of the child, a positive outlook on the world and on oneself, and the same factors, but with a different psychological content, will lead to a defective development of needs and motives, low self-esteem, distrust of others [3]. The purpose of the study was to show the importance of family upbringing factors for motivating the education of modern teenagers. Organization and research methods The study involved 547 students in grades 6-10 in secondary schools in Novosibirsk, aged 12 to 16 years. To identify specifics of educational motivation, the test “Diagnostics of the structure of schoolchildren’s educational motivation” was used by M.V. Matyukhina, allowing to measure cognitive, communicative, emotional motives, self-development, the student’s position, achievements and external educational motives (reward, punishment). The author’s questionnaire was also used, which clarified information about the relationship of adolescents with their parents, the assistance provided by parents in lessons, the level of well-being of the family and the education of the parents themselves. Results To identify the reliability of data on the influence of the relationship of adolescents with their parents on the motivation of schoolchildren’s learning, an analysis of variance was carried out. To differentiate the relationship between adolescents and their parents, the questionnaire asked the question “How do you assess your relationship with your parents?” and the following answer options: “very good and warm”; "neutral"; “not very good, cold”; “bad, conflicting.” As a result of this analysis, it was revealed (Fig. 1) that cognitive motivation for learning (F = 4.5; p = 0.04), motivation for self-development (F = 3.6; p = 0.013), school motivation (F=9.2; p=0.000), achievement motivation (F=10.05; p=0.000) are significantly higher among those adolescents who assess relationships with their parents as very good. External motivation is significantly higher among schoolchildren who assess the relationship with their parents as bad, cold (F=1.8; p=0.01). The relationship between teenagers and their parents does not affect the communicative and emotional motivation of schoolchildren to learn. Rice. 1. Significant differences in the types of motivation among adolescents. The data obtained indicate that adolescents’ assessment of their relationships with their parents as very good and warm increases the desire to acquire new knowledge, learning skills, interest in the process and result of educational activities, the desire for self-development, development of their qualities and abilities. The student is active in the process of solving a problem, in finding a solution, and in finding the result. The student is interested in acquiring knowledge on his own; he knows how to self-regulate educational work and rationally organize his educational work. The student sets himself a certain positive goal, actively participates in its implementation, and chooses means aimed at achieving this goal. While external motivation for learning is associated with poor and cold relationships between adolescents and parents.This may be due to the fact that a system of punishment for poor performance is applied to teenagers and they perceive studying on the principle of duty and responsibility. At the same time, if a student completes a task, he does it in order to get a good grade, prove to his parents his ability to solve tasks, and gain praise from them. Next, the influence of the help provided by parents in doing homework on students’ academic motivation was revealed. The questionnaire this parameter was represented by the question “Do your parents help you do your homework?” And the following answer options are offered: “yes, always”; "Sometimes"; "rarely"; “no.” As a result of the analysis, it was obtained (Fig. 2) that communicative motivation for learning (F = 7.84; p = 0.000), school motivation (F = 13.07; p = 0.000), achievement motivation (F = 2.67; p=0.04) and extrinsic motivation (F=7.84; p=0.000) was significantly higher among schoolchildren whose parents always provide assistance in completing their homework. Help for self-development motivation, cognitive and emotional motivation of schoolchildren’s learning. parents in doing their homework does not influence. Interpreting the data obtained, we can say that the more often parents provide help and support to their children in doing their homework, the more developed are their positional motives, which consist in the desire to take a certain position, place in relationships with others, to gain their approval, to earn authority from them. The student is also focused on mastering methods of acquiring knowledge: interests in methods of independent acquisition of knowledge, methods of scientific knowledge, methods of self-regulation of educational work, and rational organization of one’s educational work. The student learns to set some positive goal for himself, is actively involved in its implementation, and independently chooses the means aimed at achieving this goal. But at the same time, it is possible that a teenager studies out of duty, obligations to parents, in order to achieve a certain position among peers, or because of pressure from others. Against this background, the student completes the task in order to get a good grade, show his friends his ability to solve problems, and gain the praise of his parent. Fig.2. Significant differences in the motivation of adolescents when their parents provide them with help in doing their homework. Then, the influence of the level of family well-being on the educational motivation of students was revealed. In the questionnaire, this criterion was presented by the question “How do you assess the level of well-being of your family?” Answer options: “low”; "below the average"; "average"; "above average"; “high”. As a result of the analysis, it was found (Fig. 3) that emotional motivation for learning (F=1.97; p=0.009), school motivation (F=1.24; p=0.03) and achievement motivation ( F=3.03; p=0.017) are significantly more pronounced in schoolchildren who consider the level of well-being of their family to be high. The level of family well-being does not affect the motivation for self-development, cognitive, communicative and external motivation for learning of schoolchildren. The results obtained allow us to conclude that more a high level of family well-being orients a teenager towards acquiring new knowledge, he has a desire to fulfill his academic duty, the student clearly understands the need for learning, and there is a high sense of responsibility. The student is aware of the social need to acquire knowledge. The student is focused on mastering methods of acquiring knowledge: interests in methods of independent acquisition of knowledge, methods of scientific knowledge, methods of self-regulation of educational work, rational organization of one’s educational work. Also, the teenager is motivated to achieve success, usually sets a realistic goal, is actively involved in its implementation, and chooses means aimed at achieving this goal. Most likely, such students take an example from their parents, who non-verbally, and possibly verbally, demonstrate the importance of learning , perseverance in one’s work, focus, which is a prerequisite for a high level of well-being. Rice. 3. The influence of family well-being on educational motivationstudents Next, the influence of parental education on students’ educational motivation was identified. The questionnaire contained information about the level of education of parents. High school, technical school and college, university, and academic degree were distinguished. The analysis showed that cognitive motivation is higher among schoolchildren, mothers (t = 0.34, with p < o, o5) and fathers ( t = 0.54, with p < o, o5) who have a university education. Such data indicate that schoolchildren are interested in the learning process itself, they strive to acquire new knowledge, learning skills, and show interest in significant aspects of learning activities. Perhaps this is due to the focus on their parents and the desire to be successful in the future. Also, cognitive motivation is higher among schoolchildren whose mothers have a secondary school education (t = 0.54, with p < o. o5). Presumably, such data indicate the reluctance of schoolchildren to be at the educational level of their mothers and the desire of students to gain knowledge, thereby ensuring a promising future associated with entering and studying at a university. Emotional motivation is also higher among schoolchildren and mothers (t = 0.51, with p<о,о5) and fathers (t=0.55, with p<о,о5) whose fathers have a university education. These data show us that schoolchildren learn because they are interested in the learning process itself. They strive to be useful to society, fulfill their duty, understand the need to study, and have a high level of responsibility. Such data suggest that parents, having a higher education, can interest their children in terms of studying and motivate them to the learning process. Self-development motivation is higher among schoolchildren whose fathers (t = 0.54, with p < o. o5) have a university degree education, while the motivation for self-development of schoolchildren is not connected with the mother’s education. Here, first of all, one should note the focus on the result of activity, which is more associated with the male type of behavior. As a result, children strive to imitate their fathers by completing work and obtaining concrete results from their activities. Achievement motivation is higher among schoolchildren whose fathers (t=0.63, with p<o.o5) have a university education. Perhaps this indicates the tendency of schoolchildren to focus on their father’s achievements and achieve their results by setting a positive goal and actively participating in its implementation. Communicative motivation, school and external motivation of students in the study did not show a relationship with the level of education of their parents. Today, the parental family remains the most important institution socialization of teenagers. However, the family no longer has the self-sufficient role that it claimed in the previous era. Families are completely different. Depending on the composition of the family, on the relationships in the family with family members and in general with the people around them, a person looks at the world positively or negatively, forms his views, and builds his relationships with others. Parental authority is no longer absolute, now persuasion replaces prohibition and coercion. Moral authority is much more difficult to maintain than power based on force, especially when the range of sources of information and the choice of social circle expands. Relationships in the family also influence how the child will build his life in the future, what path he will take, what profession he will choose . It is in the family that a teenager receives his first life experience, so it is very important in which family the child is raised: a friendly one, where the child is treated as a subject of family relationships, or an unfriendly one, where the child is alone with himself, expecting help and support only from himself. Bibliography Garmaeva T.V., Konchalovskaya M.M. The role of the family in school socialization of adolescents (based on the material of educational institutions in Moscow and Ulan-Ude) [Electronic resource]. / Psychological research: electronic. scientific magazine 2008. N 2(2). URL: http://psystudy.ru (access date: 06/15/2012). Kulikova T.A. Family pedagogy and home education / T.A. Kulikova. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 227 p. Kupchenko V.E., Lyashenko.
