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The hyperactivity of modern children is no longer nonsense. Many parents are faced with the issue of raising a hyperactive child. Of course, I agree that there is no reason to panic: with age, the nervous system balances out. But such a child needs special attention and understanding from adults. It is very difficult and sometimes unbearably difficult for parents to cope with a restless child. How to help your child? Sometimes children need to be given the opportunity to throw out energy, but because... excitement easily turns into overexcitation and it is difficult for the child to stop. Here, the help of an adult is needed in changing activities. In the game, a change of action is also important - movement and relaxation (pause), alternating the quality of movement - fast - slow, sharp - smooth, chaotic - purposeful. The child learns new behavior patterns from an adult, so it is important to get involved in his game, but at the same time remain at your own comfortable pace. Change roles. For example, first the child controls your actions and gives you commands, and then you become the leader and control him. If the child attends kindergarten, then it is better to talk to the teachers and ask them for help. Why is it important? If a child spends most of his time in kindergarten, then his behavior may be incomprehensible and cause negative emotions on the part of teachers. The child will experience stress during such communication. Help the child relax. Here you can use different methods of relaxation (depending on the age of the child): listening to classical music, the sound of the sea or the sound of rain, meditation, resting on your back, on your stomach, or sitting. Relax with your child, because raising and understanding children is sometimes a difficult job for an adult who also needs rest! During moments of rest, teach your child to breathe deeply and calmly. It is very difficult for such children to remain calm and do nothing, so it is important to praise and support child as he tries to complete this difficult task. Case Study A five-year-old boy exhausted the whole family, as my mother told me. During the consultation, he moved chaotically around the room and made loud noise. I let the child do what he wants. After a while he turned his attention to me. I stood quietly and watched him. We began to move around the hall together, but the movement became more organized, because... we turned into airplanes. We have put up obstacles. Our tasks were to move without knocking over obstacles and not collide with each other. At the end of the lesson, we landed - slowly and smoothly - and turned off the engines. Restored breathing and returned to a calmer rhythm. Teach your child to control time. It is important to voice the time. If the child needs free time to play, then you agree and agree on the time. For example, in 10 minutes we leave the house. Then, in a situation where something really pleasant and exciting needs to be stopped, the child will eventually learn not to be capricious. Such an approach is more understandable for children and less traumatic than when an adult, without explanation, simply takes and does what he sees fit. This is especially true in the case of hyperactive children. Of course, despite all the agreements, the child may forget about time. Don’t be afraid to remind him of the time or ask him once again during the game how much more he needs to finish something. Parents of hyperactive children often feel guilty and ashamed, so they ignore any help from specialists. Unfortunately, not all parents have enough patience and understanding of the child. Therefore, turning to a specialist is the key to the harmonious development of the child and peace of mind in the family.!
