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Femininity... What do you feel when you hear this word? What does it mean to you? How to develop it? Why and who needs it now? Masculinity... Where is it evaporating? Why do men show this quality less and less often? Have you ever thought that femininity and masculinity have a direct relationship? If you look from the point of view of Chinese philosophy, then everything in this world can be considered as the interaction of two components: yin (feminine) and yang (male). In order for the world system to remain in balance, these two components always strive for a certain balance. Every person contains both male and female energy. So, for example, men sometimes show sentimentality, emotionality, tenderness, care and other truly feminine qualities, while a woman can show completely masculine traits, such as confidence, willpower, determination, competition, heroism, power, etc. There is no person consisting 100% of any one energy; yin and yang are inextricably present in him. When a man (M) and a woman (F) meet, they form a single whole - a system that strives for balance and harmony. This system can be represented as follows: yin * yang (M) + yin * yang (F) = balance I will give an example in numbers: let’s say a man consists of 30% yin energy and 70% yang energy. According to the law of balance, next to him there will be a woman consisting of 70% Yin energy and 30% Yang energy, i.e. if we present this in the form of a formula, we get: 30% yin * 70% yang (M) + 70% yin * 30% yang (W) = 100% balance Thus, the more developed the feminine traits in a woman, the more masculine men will be around. Also, the more developed the yang energies in a man, the more feminine women he will meet. It is necessary to develop and “awaken” the missing male (female) energy. And it is quite doable! How much masculine and how much feminine energy do you have? (answer this question honestly to yourself). Would you like to change this “yin-yang composition”? If the answer is “yes,” then in the following publications I will tell you how to fill yourself with feminine or masculine energy. With wishes of peace, kindness, love and harmony, Katerina S.
