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From the author: Discussive reflections on the issue of the planned “plague” of the 21st centuryAuthor: master of short-term strategic therapy Oleg Vladimirovich SurkovDepression is a disease that became most widespread in the 20th century and continues to march bravely across the planet epidemic proportions in the 21st century. The etymology of this word comes not from psychiatry or clinical psychology, but from geology. Depression is the collapse of the soil. This is a depression that appears after destruction. The only etymologically correct definition is going down. Being depressed means going down. From a higher position descend to a lower position. Psychiatric and clinical definitions of depression are much more varied. From 1985 to 2005, depression was the most common diagnosis in psychiatry and clinical psychology in the world. In some areas of Italy, 44% of the population is diagnosed with depression simply because 44% of the population was taking antidepressants (ADs). This is an absolutely incredible number. It turned out that the level of prevalence of blood pressure also determined the level of prevalence of depression. In fact, less than 10% of the population suffers from depression. Over the past 20 years in psychiatry, under the influence of pharmaceutical companies that produce new generation blood pressure medications, the diagnosis of depression has been applied to almost any disorder. The following diagnoses were made: depression with anorexia, depression with PA, depression with OCD. This was done in order to prescribe blood pressure. If we sum up all the categories, we get more than 44%. Thus, the diagnosis of depression has become a very generalized diagnosis. This is a marketing ploy, not a scientific study. This brought more harm to people than good. So bipolar disorder, exactly in the form in which we see it at the present stage, appears in the 90s. Now this is an independent medical category. Private research suggests that bipolar disorder is a side effect of taking antidepressants. After intensive use of AD for 3 years, a person becomes a victim of bipolar disorder. This is a man-made disorder based on the use of antidepressants. Before the widespread use of AD, the disorder, which was called hypomanic, when the mood constantly jumps up and down, was extremely rare in frequency of occurrence and it concerned patients of the psychotic type. Bipolar disorder is quite common today. When talking about depression, it is necessary to keep in mind the abuse of antidepressants. The latest fifth edition of the JSM provoked a lot of scandals and critical reflections. In 97% of cases, the studies were funded by pharmaceutical companies. This is precisely the planned nature of the depression epidemic in our time. For many psychiatrists, belief in the theory of the biological origin of depression and attributing depression to a lack of serotonin, by analogy with diabetes, which arises from a lack of insulin, is an axiom. However, this theory has not been proven by any research. Even tracing the occurrence of depression in one family over different generations does not prove the biological cause of depression. Within one family, the cause of depression is a certain climate, an atmosphere that causes and maintains depression. Treatment of depression occurs mainly through psychological methods. The use of drugs is possible in very limited cases. Based on recent research into depression, only 2% of cases require ongoing medication. In 98% of cases, depression is treated with psychotherapy with limited use of drugs or psychotherapy alone. Sign up for a consultation: phone 8-905-793-2237 skype sovlad2e-mail: [email protected] Oleg Vladimirovich Surkov I work with my soul! If you found the article interesting, the author will be pleased for your thanks. This will inspire you to write new interesting articles.!
