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Why is a woman so unhappy sometimes? Why is she so sensitive and helpless, bitchy and aggressive, scared and confused? Because she doesn't like herself and isn't confident in herself. Because once upon a time she forgot about who she was and what her strength was and stopped valuing herself. Hence the troubles - love addiction, intolerance, women's diseases, conflicts in the family, loneliness, failures, loss of the meaning of life, infertility. But inside every woman lies the most important force - love in all its manifestations. It is this feeling that brings a woman a state of balance, satisfaction, the properties of tolerance, understanding, the ability to wait and neutralize conflicts. Love brings understanding of yourself, your inner world, your desires and feelings, and caring attitude towards your body. Then she also treats the environment and people with care. She knows what she wants, sees a goal in any area of ​​life, and calmly achieves it without fear or stress. A woman by nature is like water, soft, hugging, delicate. She will never rush forward. She will find small imperceptible paths with the help of which she will bypass the obstacle. A woman should be pure in heart and always have a young soul. The ability to forgive and see joy in every moment of life is her main property. The most attractive and mysterious thing for men. A woman is flexible. She can be soft and pliable, or she can be indestructible and decisive. Every time she intuitively knows how to act and what force to use: soft or hard. Her decisions are born from the depths of her soul. Logic is her assistant, but her main strength is intuition. A woman feels what is happening around her and knows how to see the essence of things. This is her magic, her eternal secret. If she trusts herself, she cannot be deceived and cannot be deprived of her freedom. Thus, she respects the man’s freedom, which is very valuable in the relationship between them. A loving woman accepts herself completely. A woman's sexuality is expressed in her freedom to be herself. In her courage to know herself, her body, her internal processes. Then she can help a man bring her pleasure and joy and give it to him to the fullest. Such a woman cannot be lonely. After all, she is a source of light in herself, fresh and desirable. She feels good with herself and with the people around her. She can be in solitude and in the flow of society, remaining natural and calm. Such a woman has no age... There are moments when a woman falls out of balance. This happens if a lot of suffering, fears, and pain have accumulated inside. Then she loses her strength and self-confidence, her harmony. Then other personality traits may come to the surface: loudness, jealousy, tough leadership, drunkenness, sacrifice and cowardice. Fear of loneliness, celibacy, loss of a man pushes a woman to become dependent on her goals, worry too much, rush, rush events, enter into relationships with people, which do not correspond to it. You need to be able to manage your fear and be its master, not its servant. The modern world introduces harsh conditions of life in which it can be difficult to learn flexibility and maintain pristine purity. But all this is possible and worth the effort. Enjoying success, the fact that you simply exist, that you are loved and can love is an amazing path. It is very important for any woman to decide who she is for herself? What role does she play for herself, her family and friends, and for the world as a whole? What image should she strive for? What qualities of her own nature are more important to her? What can she be grateful to herself for? When clarity is created inside, a woman knows what to do and how to effectively interact with the world around her. To be continued…
