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The topic of suicide is the most difficult in the work of a psychologist. Not every specialist (even in conjunction with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist) can vouch for a positive result. And, therefore, it is easier to refuse work than to take it. Although, in truth, it must be said that there are not many clients with a similar topic. People with borderline disorders, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, alcoholism are predisposed to suicide, and on top of that are everyday difficulties such as problems with others, feelings of loneliness, hopelessness, loans . People with mood swings and impulsive people are also predisposed. Sometimes there are those who want to commit suicide to spite their partner. For no apparent reason, a person will not want to die. If you find out that someone you know wants to commit suicide, you need to take action. The first step is communication. Try to listen to your friend, understand why he wants to commit suicide. It is important not to criticize him, not to evaluate his feelings, but simply to accept him, to show that you are ready to listen, help, support. Forget about arguments, criticism, moralizing and what you would do in his place. This way, you will only achieve that your acquaintance will feel even more inconsistent with your expectations, lonely. If your acquaintance is ready to talk, then try to understand his feelings and problems, but without insisting. Your support and care can save a life. If possible, talk in a gentle manner about what your friend is good at, hug him, give him a feeling of security. If he is not ready to talk, then offer him professional help. Do not expect that after the conversation your acquaintance will suddenly want to live, see the delights of the world, let go of adversity and replenish his internal resources. It is quite possible that he will never be able to find a reason to live on. Don't try to find a quick solution to the problem. In any case, don't leave him alone. Ask him to stay with you or someone close to him to stay with him. It is important to remember that suicide is not the solution to the problem. Your friend can get help and support to find a way out of a difficult situation. You can get an individual consultation by signing up for a consultation at 7 903 373 36 00 (Whats App or Telegram)
