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From the author: 13 tips that will help you calmly and systematically work to preserve your marriage when a threat to the relationship arises. For example, when one of the spouses is sure that love has passed, or has lost interest in the other, or withdraws from the relationship, or there is a suspicion of infidelity, or there is misunderstanding in the family. The well-being of the family may be at risk for various reasons: one of the spouses could not to remain faithful, or doubted the loyalty of another, or fell under someone’s influence - but you never know the obstacles on the path to happiness? This is a separate topic for another article, but saving a family always requires time, patience and strength. One conversation or one gift will not improve everything once and for all. Approach the problem systematically. Of course, the best place to start is to contact a professional before the most common mistakes are made. However, while you are still sitting in front of your computer, I hope my advice will be useful to you. So...1. Do not discuss the situation with everyone who notices your anxiety. It may be easier for you if you speak out, but the more people know about the difficulties of your family, the more they discuss you, draw conclusions and forecasts. They give you their recommendations. Of course, there is a chance that among these recommendations there will be a recipe for you, but most likely you will simply get confused. How many people, how many families, so many opinions. Advice from others is subjective, because each “well-wisher” tries on your situation for himself and voices those thoughts that passed through the prism of his personal vision.2. Take time off from work. If you can’t take a vacation, reduce your mental and psychological stress. Your biggest enemy is nervous tension and fatigue. You have entered into a struggle, but what kind of struggle is there if you have no strength, neither moral nor physical? Allow yourself now to relax more, walk in nature, and engage in hobbies. If your significant other does not agree with you allowing yourself to rest at such a moment, explain to him that being tired will have a negative effect on you: you will be more short-tempered, irritable, picky and impatient.3. If you don't work, try not to burden yourself with everyday problems at home. It’s better to wash the floor less often, but to relax more. Of course, a neglected apartment will not inspire anyone, but you don’t have to go from one extreme to another. Just live without spring cleaning for a while. Ask your husband what he wants more - to spend quiet time together with a cup of tea or to see you polishing the parquet once again?4. Start a notebook and keep it handy. Write all important and interesting thoughts about yourself, about your family, about your husband immediately into your diary. While you are writing down your insights, you have to formulate and think about them. This means that the next time there is a dispute with your husband, instead of an emotional quarrel there will be a constructive dialogue. In addition, this notebook can be left in a visible place and hint to your husband that you have some thoughts that you are embarrassed to say out loud, but have written down specifically for him. Let him take a look and even leave comments. You won’t have to quarrel out loud, and the paper will endure everything.5. Review your budget and find a way to save some money. You know better than me how your budget is structured, so I will not offer my saving options. I’ll explain how this advice will be useful to you. Firstly, if your husband is your main “sponsor”, then the money you save will give you a little more freedom, and it will be easier to buy yourself a new blouse with the money you save than to ask the husband with whom you have Now the relationship is not ideal. Secondly, who said that only a man can invite you on dates? You want to save your family, and this may require financial investments. Thirdly, your life may change (more on this below), and you will need money to implement new plans.6. Remember your and your husband’s hobbies, find common ones. The ideal option is dancing, swimming, fitness or even drawing. It’s more difficult with hiking, kayaking,!
