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The topic for the essay “Group management techniques: analytical group, psychotherapeutic group, focused groups, thematic groups” was not chosen by me by chance, since in 2015 I completed the first two-year level of practical training at the international school of group psychoanalysis under the guidance of Alina Timoshkina, and Now I am mastering a theoretical course and a second three-year practical course. This topic provides an opportunity to consider the main differences in the technique and position of leading analytical, psychotherapeutic, focused and thematic groups, and this is the topic that is most interesting to me at this stage of training. Group analysis and group dynamics are the magic that allows each group member to achieve internal harmony and emotional stability in the perception of oneself and others. This method combines the advantages of group psychotherapy and psychoanalytic practices, both of which work simultaneously in group analysis and have a mutually reinforcing effect, and are also complemented by knowledge from such areas as systems theory, developmental psychology, social theories, social and family psychology and etc. Group analysis as a method of group dynamic psychotherapy interested me about five years ago, and a year later in 2013, having studied all the materials available at that time on the Internet, I chose the A.A. Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Timoshkina, for which I am immensely happy. Participation in a psychoanalytic group allowed me to feel and feel from my own experience how psychoanalytically oriented work in a group is environmentally friendly and how deep and comfortable this method of learning about oneself and other people is. I also had the opportunity to see how important the personality of the leader and the techniques that are used in working with the group are, where the individual characteristics of each participant are taken into account. Based on my own experience, I can only talk about the features of leading groups of an analytical group, and then only from the perspective of a participant , many subtleties are not yet accessible to me to understand and are a mystery that I really want to solve... So, I will try, guided by my knowledge that I have at this stage of training at the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes, implemented under the patronage of COIRAG (Italian Confederation Group Psychoanalysis), consider the main differences in the technique and positions of the leader. To do this, let’s first consider the features of the groups: 1. Group-analytical group. It is based on the theory of psychoanalysis, which allows a participant in such a group to explore himself through various relationships, starting from the period of childhood relationships in his primary group - the parental family. Participation in a group is an opportunity to talk about yourself, hear about yourself, hear the experience of another and see yourself through the eyes of others, be in a relationship. A long stay in a group allows you to solve many vital problems: personal, family and business relationships, professional activities, cope with anxieties and phobias, overcome depression, improve communications, gain understanding, stability, not feel lonely, and become more self-confident. Leader position: Before joining the group, several interviews are conducted with the group leader. In some cases, it may be necessary to prepare for the group over several individual meetings with the analyst. The analytical group in many cases may be the only possible and appropriate method of psychological assistance. The main techniques used in psychoanalytic groups are interpretation, dream analysis, free association, resistance and transference analysis. The leader of a psychoanalytic group is often called a conductor. If we compare a group to an orchestra, then the task of the conductor of the group is to help each member to play his part (that is, to express himself as he is) and, at the same time, to ensure that each instrument.
