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Not long ago, I came across an article by an obstetrician-gynecologist, who writes that during pregnancy you should definitely talk out loud to your baby and promises that you will definitely get great pleasure from this! Another thing is that you need to listen to classical music, which will calm you down and at the same time “instill in your baby a taste” for beauty! Well, everything like that.. And unfortunately, such urgent recommendations do not have an alternative, but what should that woman do who does not like the classics or who may find it difficult or even not yet comfortable talking to her baby? Yes, yes, it happens. When everyone around says that this is necessary and so right, that girl, who is still finding it difficult to do this, thinks, “How can this be? Everyone around is talking to their future babies, but I feel like - it’s inconvenient or I just don’t want to, am I a bad mother? I don’t love my unborn child? He feels nothing but guilt and grief. Unfortunately...In fact, I think so - if you like classical music, listen, have fun and your baby will experience it with you! Do you like rock, pop, rap, listen to it and your baby will experience no less pleasure). As for conversations with your baby, this is all very individual. For some it’s easy in the first months of pregnancy, for others it takes time. There are no strict rules! I discuss this in detail at meetings and consultations with pregnant women and understand how strongly the templates “It’s necessary! This is right!” have been imposed on expectant mothers! In general, on the surface this idea, as I see it, is easier for that woman (or man) to talk to the baby in the tummy ), who has a more developed imagination)). It is easy for these people to imagine that he/she is communicating with a person whom they do not see or hear... yet...). Of course, there are moments when it would be necessary to talk), and this comes easily to any woman if she knows at what moment, why this conversation is needed, etc. But it’s still better to dive into the depths accompanied by a specialist. How important it is to explain to the expectant mother that it is better to give yourself the opportunity to experience those emotions that you truly experience, and not those that are considered “correct”, but they are not yours.
