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Continuation of diagnosis of child-parent relationships. Start here https://www.b17.ru/article/89334/Clients: Mom and son 8 years old (age changed). The boy's diagnosis: hyperkinetic disorder. The next stage of diagnosis is work in the sandbox. I suggest that mother and child build a common sand world. After receiving the instructions, the child immediately goes to the boxes, takes out the figures and begins to place them in the right side of the sandbox. Mom is standing aside at this moment. After some time, mom begins to carefully fill the upper left corner of the container. For some time, both work silently, without interacting with each other. The child quickly filled half of the sandbox and began to explore the contents of the containers, turning to his mother: “Wow, mom, what a scorpion, look!” - “What do you need it for?” The child puts the scorpion next to his mother’s figurines in the sandbox. Mom says that she doesn’t like it, but the boy does not react and continues to look at the figures. Mom silently shifts the scorpion to her son's side. Then the child puts the snake in his mother's area. Mom exclaims violently: “This is horror!” The boy again does not react at all. Then the son tries several times to offer his mother something else: “Mom, do you need fences?”, “Mom, do you want an apple?” But mom refuses both. Then the child himself takes the animal figures and places them in his mother’s area. At this time, mother and son begin to talk, discussing rearrangements. After completing the sand painting, I ask both of them to talk about their work. Mom begins: “I like a house to sit in and relax. This is a forest for a walk. I gave the animals something to eat. My son installed them. Animals in pairs so that everyone has friends. About part of my son I can say that this is what he dreams of and what he saw at sea. His part is densely populated, mine is secluded.” Son's story: “The vase is a monument. Hulk and Superman protect people from enemies. Scorpio protects people from villains. From the seagull - the villain. She's trying to steal the house. They will take him away from her. The cage with pebbles is the seagull's treasure. They are needed to look into the magic balls, to keep an eye on everyone, so that no one does anything wrong. The man in red is the Ninja Turtle, he is a villain, he devours everyone, he has a sting. He is invincible, although the Hulk can beat him, he has muscles. The mirror is also a protector – it reflects everyone and kills.” Job analysis. Joint activity in a parent-child pair involves a preliminary discussion of future work and distribution of tasks. The parent, due to his authority, usually takes a little more initiative and gently guides the child, while giving him the opportunity to express his opinion and offer his ideas. In this case, we can immediately note that the child is not focused on working together. Ignoring the authority of the parent, he completely seizes the initiative and does what he wants. Mom agrees with this distribution of roles. In further discussion, my mother explained this by saying that she did not want to enter into conflict. Thus, we have identified a destructive pattern in relationships: the child receives powers that do not correspond to his age and status in the family. Such authority implies responsibility that the child cannot bear, which causes him a feeling of anxiety and insecurity, which aggravates his behavior. At the same time, the mother considers only one option for redistributing roles - conflict, without taking into account the possibility of a constructive conversation, in which the parent gently but persistently, using “I-messages,” indicates his desires and negotiates with the child. Mom, being in a state of fatigue and emotional exhaustion, prefers to retire to a free corner, wanting only not to be touched. The next interesting point is how the child attracts attention to himself and how the parent reacts to it. The boy, having done everything he wanted in the sandbox, decided to interact with his mother. He addressed her several times, demonstrating his findings..
