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I would like to introduce you to the method “Study of Verbal-Logical Thinking” (E.F. Zambatsevichene) and give you a printable version. This technique can also be suitable for a simple game with a child, it is intended for younger schoolchildren, but you can safely use it for 5 classes. I want to tell you how a parent should not conduct a self-diagnosis of a child, but rather spend time productively and understand for himself what the child knows, understands, and what he doesn’t. The method contains 4 tasks (subtests), each of which is aimed at diagnosing and training different functions of thinking .1 task: the child’s general knowledge, if he answers correctly, then you can clarify why this particular answer, so you will understand that the child did not guess and correctly understands why this particular answer is correct. Also, if the answer is not correct, then you can ask a question about the meaning of the word “always”. Task 2: can the child generalize and exclude unnecessary things? Each answer may ask you to explain why this is so, or why such a word is not suitable. Task 3: analogies, work following an example. Task 4: classic generalization, if the child said a common name, but you If you think that you can say even more narrowly, then you can say: “look, a cucumber is a plant, but a cactus is also a plant, and what can you call these scatterings, so that the cactus does not fit.” If you are interested, here is how you can calculate the answers .1 and 2 tasks. The answer is correct, the explanation is correct -1 point; The answer is correct, the explanation is incorrect -0.5 points. If the answer is incorrect, then the child has one more try. Is the answer correct? 0.5 points. 3 and 4 tasks. Correct answer - 1 point; Correct answer after 2 attempts - 0.5 points. The maximum points a child can get is 40. For grades 3-5. 32 points - 40 points. High result, logical thinking is well developed, the child has an excellent vocabulary, he knows how to use it 31.5 points -26 points. Average level. The child’s vocabulary is normal and he has basic logical operations. 25.5 points -20.0 points. Below average level. Below 19.5 points is a low level. It is worth paying attention to the development of the child’s higher mental functions and contacting a child psychologist or neuropsychologist for a more accurate assessment. For grades 1 and 2: 20 points - 25 points. High result, logical thinking is well developed, the child has an excellent vocabulary, he knows how to use it 17.5 points -19.5 points. Average level. The child’s vocabulary is normal and he has basic logical operations. 15.5 points -17 points. Below average level. Below 12 points is a low level. It is worth paying attention to the development of the child’s higher mental functions and contacting a child psychologist or neuropsychologist for a more accurate assessment. And my printable version. If you have questions about the method, or want to discuss the results, write in private messages! I'll be glad to see everyone.
