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From the author: Article for the CPSU (Club of Fans of Happy Family) In front of me is an adult woman, a little over 40, divorced, in a relationship and wants to get married. Not for the one who is, for the one whom he can only describe. “I know exactly what he should be,” and gives a detailed description. By the way, she is not the only one who uses this strategy when choosing a partner. - Okay, do you know where to meet such a man? (based on the description, this is a one-off specimen in such a small town where she lives. Like a sturgeon in a village pond...) She names several urban objects, industrial ones, where such “Gods” can live at the very top. - Okay, have you been there? How often? - No... - Maybe where they spend their leisure time? (I wonder where the “Gods” are spending it?) - No... - How will you meet? - Well,... I think that if I am worthy, Fate will throw in Chance and bring me together with such a man. Hmm...8 years have passed, she is still not married...2. In front of me is a girl, a little over 20: - I plan to get married by the age of 23,... - okay, are you in a relationship now? - no -??? - I first have to move somewhere, get a job there, and then I will choose partner. At 23 she got married. She described the selection process with humor: “... I made dates for everyone I liked, sometimes three dates a day!))) I ran around like I was going to an interview when I was applying for a job...” From the entire array of suitors, I singled out several with whom I wanted to get to know each other better. As a result, there were two left, between whom the choice became difficult. Who would have thought that watching a movie together would be decisive. “...at first, what he laughed at caused me bewilderment, then - disgust...” So, speaking of strategies. Of course, there are many more of them, but I encountered the first one most often, the second one only once. And when a woman in life is Big Smart - active, energetic, brave... For some reason she is waiting for Fate, Chance, something else that will bring her husband into her life. Although, it’s obvious - if you want a cake, you go to a pastry shop, if you want meat, you go to a butcher shop. No one is waiting for Fate to bring a cake to the doorstep. If you were a hundred times worthy and smart, this would not come to your mind. Yes? Or I'm wrong? If you need money to live, you get a job, work there for 8 hours or more and have what you want - sausage/oysters))), dresses, a car,... At the same time you say: “I don’t have time for my personal life, but I really want to get married, I want children...” There is some slyness in this, right? Although, we are essentially contradictory... And therefore, if you really want to get married: Find and eliminate the contradictions between your desires and your actions. Find time to meet your partner. Find the place where your “sturgeon” lives. Remember the heroine Irina Muravyova from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, academicians - in the library, widowers - in the cemetery... (I think that’s how it was there). And, Good luck to you! More on the topic: https://www.b17.ru/article/122316/https://www.b17.ru/article/122389/
