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Formation of the moral-volitional sphere is an important condition for the comprehensive education of a child’s personality. Not only his successful education at school, but also the formation of his life position depends on how a child is raised morally and volitionally. Knowing how to behave “like a human being” is a huge sea of ​​information and ways of transmitting it through words, behavior, gaze, movement and music. Nurturing a child’s moral and volitional qualities means independence, organization, perseverance, responsibility, and discipline. Observations show that many parents tend to underestimate the volitional capabilities of their child. Distrust in their strengths and the desire to take care of them create helplessness, uncertainty, and a state of loss when difficulties arise and when solving feasible problems. Adult family members are more concerned about the problems of preparing the child for school. First of all, they are interested in issues of social training - learning to read, count, write, but parents do not attach much importance to the education of such qualities as independence, perseverance, responsibility, organization. The leading role in the development of a child is moral education. A normal, prosperous family is characterized by an atmosphere of family emotional ties, richness, spontaneity and openness in their expressions of love, care and concern. A child surrounded by love feels that he is loved no matter what he is, this gives him a feeling of security, a sense of emotional well-being, he realizes the value of his own “I”. All this makes him open to goodness with a positive influence in communicating with people. A person deprived of this feeling will allow both himself and others to be humiliated and to allow injustice. Self-esteem helps the child to correctly evaluate his actions and the actions of others from the point of view of their humanity: acutely feeling humiliation or injustice, he can imagine how painful it will be for another. Self-image, respect or disrespect for oneself, i.e. self-esteem, are formed in a child in the process of communicating with adults who evaluate him positively or negatively. Particularly important for a child is the assessment from those adults who treat him with trust and confidence. respect. The assessment should focus the child's attention not only on how he acted - good or bad, but also on what consequences this has for other people. The child gradually learns to focus his behavior on how his actions will affect those around him. Great attention is paid to the development of the child’s moral feelings by reading fairy tales and stories that describe the struggle between positive and negative characters. (fairytale therapy). The child empathizes with the successes and failures of the hero and his friends and fervently wishes them victory. His idea of ​​good and evil, attitude towards moral and immoral is formed. In the family, children often enjoy doing those types of work that are not very common in kindergarten: washing clothes, washing and wiping dishes, participating in cooking, buying groceries, etc. . e. Favorable family conditions have a positive effect on the labor education of children and their moral and volitional development. Using work as a means of moral education, parents need to analyze the motives that encourage the child to perform this type of work. To create the most effective motive for a child means to evoke volitional efforts in him, to direct them towards those goals, the achievement of which an adult considers useful for the moral development of a preschooler. There are 10 rules by which the practice of moral education begins, namely: Imitation is a genetically given mechanism , which allows you to gain the experience necessary for survival in a non-genetic way in the process of communication. Exercise is the formation of a skill in the process of performing some activity that is brought to automatism. Requirements are speech understandable.
