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The roots of any of our problems or tasks, as well as our victories, lie in our deepest beliefs. Whatever your problem is, it can be unraveled. And independently. To do this, we must have the courage to separate ourselves from “ourselves”—that is, to discern the fact that our beliefs are not us. This is the most important and at the same time the most difficult. What we know for sure (!) is often neither the truth, nor our conscious choice, nor at least in any way useful for us. A person is a blank slate, the first part of whose life was not written by him. We come to this a world with a completely blank slate of our own life history, which describes not only our experiences (what we do), but also who we are (what we feel, think and what we base our decisions on). And the moral of the fable is that our very first records are kept by parents, teachers, friends, the entire environment and our childish, still completely unconscious self. From the very beginning, without realizing it, we begin to broadcast the image of how others see us, through the prism of my own, initially childish, understanding. And we become who others see us through the prism of our own understanding. These are a kind of rules of the game. We come here as unconscious children and our task is development: to begin to grow up, become smarter and become aware. It’s not for nothing that all psychologists speak out loud about the influence of childhood on all our future experiences. We create ourselves and our experiences every day, every second, and even, it would be more correct to say, every moment. Not only when we decide to write down our life goals for the year, and not only then when they radically changed their type of activity or country. Not when they came (or didn’t come) to sports, not when they gave birth to a child. And always. Every moment. We create ourselves not from the age of 18, when we officially became adults, and not from the age of 25, when we grew wiser. We create ourselves from the age of 15 (remember your complexes), from the age of 7 (remember your fears), from the age of 3 (remember yourself). We are continuously creating ourselves from...the very beginning. And they have already created a lot of things, most of which are obediently stored in our subconscious and manifest themselves according to the situation. Everything you believe in is nothing more than templates, stuck from the beliefs of people around you. Both from childhood and from today. There's practically no you in it all. If you look at this fact without fear of losing your individuality, many things will fall into place. Pay attention to China. People were told that there is no God: for many modern Chinese from large cities, there is no God. In Thailand, on the contrary, they said that there is. In total, there are a priori no atheists in the country. There it is even impossible to pose the question of faith: “Is there a God or not?” For Thais, of course, there is. Same thing in Bali. In Russia at one time they said that there is no God - a generation of people doubting was born, then they changed their minds and decided that there is a God - our result at the moment: many believe, but everyone has a different attitude towards the institution of the church and their own need to attend it regularly. You can ask : who tells people about such things as the existence of God or his absence, for example? Who influences minds? First of all, our close environment. It shapes all our beliefs up to a certain age of self-awareness (and not the world conspiracies that seem to be imagined by those who have nothing to do). Yes, in certain historical eras, the government of different countries influenced minds, for example, with their socialist ambitions, and influenced very seriously, but it is stupid to think that it’s all about power. They set the direction of thoughts, and people themselves begin to repeat and sow around themselves and other people. A modern child in a Russian family does not follow global news of faith and church (since this illustration is already on), he simply copies what his parents do and treats this issue the same way. Having become an adult, he already knows his attitude towards faith, if he does not think and reconsider his point of view, he will live with it all his life, also influencing his relatives. Childrenno need to educate, educate yourself - your children will still be like you. Another example is nutrition. Oh, my favorite topic is dairy products. So, cottage cheese and beliefs. Dialogue from the childhood of a Russian family: “You need to eat cottage cheese, it’s necessary for your bones.” Dialogue from an Asian family: “What is cottage cheese?” In many Asian countries they don’t know what it is. There is not even such a word in local languages. There they don’t eat cottage cheese, sour cream, or drink cow’s milk (especially fresh milk). But everyone has bones. Understand correctly, this is not a story about dairy products, not about God, and certainly not about what is good and what is bad. I do not claim to be anyone’s beliefs. This is just an illustration: our thoughts, beliefs, desires, faith are 100% a product of our environment, at least until we begin to choose our values, set priorities, plan movement towards goals and filter beliefs. This is the most important and at the same time the most difficult. All we know are perception patterns; everything that we sincerely (!) love is most often imposed; everything that our body “wants” in a state of autopilot is nothing more than a habit that can easily be changed. Only one thing matters: are your beliefs helping you or dragging you down? Are you living the life you want, or vice versa - carrying the burden of days on your shoulders? Holding on to beliefs in the second case is very absurd, just like allowing your faith to be encroached upon when it is on your side and makes you happy. How to work with your beliefs and unravel the tangle of your own problems?0. You are not your beliefs. Point number zero, without which further work is impossible: understand that you are not your beliefs. Accept the idea that any of your beliefs can be changed. Accept the idea that limiting beliefs could grow inside you. We believe that this is necessary, because millions of people around us are doing the same thing, and millions cannot be wrong. This is your logic, and this logic is fundamentally flawed: millions can be wrong. Osho1. Recognize Encouraging and Limiting Beliefs There are only two kinds of beliefs: those that pull us up and those that pull us down. Recognizing the areas of your life in which you definitely have shaky beliefs is easy. These are the areas that are not working for you - where the most problems are: Soul (relationship with yourself, internal balance and harmony); Body (health, strength, energy, beauty); Business (realization in a professional sense, money, creativity ;Relationships (love, friends, family, children). What is slipping, where are the old rake that appears every time you try to fix everything? Simple illustrative examples (I would like to note that in life everything is deeper, and the edges are finer): If you believe that big money is not earned honestly (belief), you will not earn any more or less significant money (consequence); If you think that all the “normal” ones have been taken apart (belief), you will not be able to find a worthy match for yourself and , most likely, you will make a soul-gnawing compromise (consequence); If you believe that you need to listen to your body, but at the same time overeat on a regular basis (belief), you will suffer from apathy, laziness and the inability to do anything more (consequence ).We must understand that most of our beliefs are generalizations about our past based on how we interpret painful and unpleasant incidents in our lives. The problem is this: 1) most of us do not consciously decide what to believe 2) often our beliefs are based on incorrect interpretation of past experiences 3) once we acquire beliefs, we immediately forget that they are just an interpretation. We begin to treat our beliefs as something real, as a commandment. Anthony Robbins And vice versa: if in some area you are consistently successful, then here your beliefs are working for you, at least while you are at the current level (sometimes to make a quantum a leap is a breakthrough to a completely new stage, it is necessary
