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The forum on b17 was originally conceived as a place where people could receive psychological help. But it attracts many with completely different, “undocumented” possibilities. “Trolls”, “vampires” and “werewolves”, lured by the intoxicating smell of almost permissiveness and almost impunity, flocked from the surrounding expanses of the RuNet to a new patrimony. For here there was plenty of naive prey - obedient puppets for their cruel games... In this article we will shed light on some of them, so that the reader (a psychologist or a simple inhabitant of the country b17) goes out into the “wild field” of the forum warned, and therefore armed! I. Firefighters are looking, police are looking - a simple two-way game. A user posts a request on the forum, saying that he is looking for a way to contact a really cool psychologist, Aristarkh Aristarkhovich Aristarkhov. To either use his services or thank him for his help. Information noise arises around the name of a hitherto unknown “luminary”. After some time, another user appears (in fact, the first one, from a different account) and indicates the path to salvation - Aristarkh’s phone or email address. Prize: Free advertising for the under-the-radar who organizes the game directly or through someone else’s hands. II. A ray of last hope - this is the role offered to a psychologist here. The introductory notes are approximately as follows: “Five hungry children are distracted from the keyboard by their sobs, so they eat intermittently. A bunch of angry debt collectors are at your door because your mortgage hasn't been paid for six months. The husband is a drug addict and a womanizer, he left the day before yesterday, taking everything more or less valuable from the apartment. And the voices in my head always advise me to ignore the diagnosis made by the psychiatrist and kill myself and everyone else. You are my last hope, dear forum members!” Prize 1: If the situation is more or less consistent with reality, which sometimes also happens - finding new saviors in your Karpman triangle, so that in the future it is easy to turn them into pursuers. Prize 2: If the situation is fictitious - positive emotions experienced by the player while psychologists try, straining themselves, to help. Sometimes they manage to trick some of the specialists into a free consultation or something else. III. Public flogging of psychologists - no, no, and even carried out by one of the players, or even by the whole team. topics are raised that psychologists do not help and harm. That practical psychology is a most dangerous scam, etc. etc.Prize: Pleasant emotions from mocking communication with psychologists who argue with players, often arguing temperamentally. IV. An action-packed soap drama that unfolds with the help of a player on the forum in almost real time. To a simple but emotional request, from time to time (when interest wanes) new sharp plot twists are added like: “Oh, I completely forgot to mention that my husband is terminally ill.” or “The hysterical mother-in-law just grabbed the children and took them away in an unknown direction.” Recommendations from psychologists are ignored. The topic drags on for as long as possible. And then a “new season” opens with a different name, but with the same goal. Prize: Both logic and fantasy fail here. Maybe someone pays them for the number of messages in a topic?.. What prize do you think the organizers of such games receive? Write your opinion in the comments! V. Non-psychologists are cooler than psychologists - a real one-man show in miniature. A user submits a request to the forum. Psychologists react, write questions and recommendations. But for the client they all turn out to be pathetic, insolvent, incompetent. And then He bursts into the dialogue. He is not a psychologist, but his judgments and conclusions are so wise and appropriate from the point of view of the author of the topic. A real gold nugget among gray pebbles. Gradually the conversation turns to a dialogue between the author and the newcomer. And the topic turns into a public flogging of psychologists (see game No. III). Naturally, both the author of the topic and the “non-psychologist genius” are the same person with two accounts. Prize: And again, pleasant!!!
