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In ancient times, all women were Goddesses, chosen ones of the Creator. They possessed a power that was capable of working miracles. The Sun, Wind, Water, Earth were the woman’s helpers, and the animals were her blood brothers, remember how in fairy tales “you and I are of the same blood, you and I.” It meant that all of us, living beings on earth, are children of one parent, our Creator. Therefore, people knew the language of animals. A woman is the earth - she creates, creates, gives birth. Her kingdom is the world of her soul, the world of her family and the world of her people. By the way, peace means heaven. If her soul is in order, then her family, husband and people will also be in order. The main thing for a woman is her feelings, emotions are a tool of her intuition. Controlling your feelings is controlling the world. There were times on earth when such women were declared witches and burned at the stake, and the rest stopped using their power, stopped passing it on through the family, from mother to daughter, because they were afraid of extermination. This went on for many centuries, the persecution of female power lasted for a very long time. Women began to be brought up as unfree, they were instilled with a lot of complexes, thus suppressing their sexuality. But sexual energy is vital energy, it is the basis of feminine power. In the last century, women began to be raised as men, and the roles of men and women began to be equalized. But in fact, no one is in charge, neither man nor woman, everyone has their own tasks and everyone, following their nature, does what they do best. If a woman does masculine things, acts like a man, then she has to spend much more energy than if she did the same thing using her feminine nature. But not everything is so sad, all this knowledge is encoded in every woman and all women on earth are chosen by the Creator, only because they were born in a female body. Every woman has a uterus, and it is the uterus that is the place of power that accumulates divine energy. The uterus is capable of giving birth and bearing life, imagine what kind of strength is needed for this! Therefore, it is a place of life, an altar of the Creator, which nourishes not only the fetus during pregnancy, but also the man during lovemaking. Now do you understand why they always want to penetrate us deeper? They touch the place of power, the place of life, the place of God in us, in order to relive the state of bliss that they experienced while in the womb of their mother. Where then does animal sex, vulgarity, debauchery come from? - you ask. Sex is always divine, even among animals. It becomes dirty and vulgar from low energies, when people lose contact with the Creator. When they don't receive enough love from their parents. A newborn person comes into the world and his main need is love. The mother's breast is not only physical nutrition for the baby, it is, first of all, a source of energy nutrition, a source of love. Now you understand why men love women’s breasts so much - they feed on energy. But in maternity hospitals, for some reason, it is necessary to first wash the baby (as if it were dirty), weigh it, take blood for analysis, and only then, at best, give it to the mother . But the first precious hours of a new arrival on earth are already lost and lived in unlove. It’s good if the baby spends the first few years next to his mother, but if not, the mother goes to work and hires a nanny. Then the time of dislike is calculated not in hours or days, but in months and years. It would seem that such a trifle is then the cause of self-doubt and low self-esteem. And as a result, a loss of basic trust in the world, a loss of connection with the Creator and a state of screaming emptiness in the soul, which, as an adult, a person tries to drown out with alcohol, smoking, drugs and animal sex. Now do you understand what responsibility lies with a woman? And as soon as a woman loses her strength, worlds and planets collapse. You may ask, what about men, aren’t they responsible? Men are responsible just like us. Only they have their own responsibility. Their kingdom is the outside world, society. If a woman creates an internalworld, then the man creates the external one. In the ancient world, it was to get food and physically protect your family. It's the same in the modern world. The nature of men is physical activity, determination, money, politics, business, financial and energy protection of their family. There are three sacred sources, three places of power in a woman’s body. The first sacred source is the mouth. When a man and a woman kiss, an exchange of energies occurs. The man is filled with yin energy, which symbolizes water, and gives the woman yang energy, the energy of fire. Therefore, it is very useful to drink each other’s fluids when kissing. Saliva is considered divine nectar. The word that comes from the honeyed lips of a woman is the source that fills a man or depletes him. From her lips come words of love, gratitude, appreciation, support. If a woman makes claims, reproaches, threats and orders, she destroys herself and her family. Our ancestors said: “the word is not a sparrow, it will fly out, you can’t turn it back,” they knew that the word is power, it is energy sent into space, which is immediately embodied in the material world. Tell me why, when a woman says to a man: “You are not capable of anything!” then at the same time he thinks that he will become capable of anything? After all, her word is power, the program that she set is executed immediately. Her man really becomes incapable of anything for her! The second sacred source is the female breast. When excited, it exudes healing energy. In ancient times, among knowledgeable women, one of the methods of healing was to attach a man to the breast as a source of energy. The female breast is inherently sacred, sacred. You know that breastfeeding a baby is a sexual act. It is at this moment that the sexuality of the future person and, as a consequence, his vitality are formed. A knowledgeable woman, knowing these truths, nourishes her man during lovemaking. When a man kisses her breast, she imagines that a golden stream of divine love is coming from her breast. The woman nourishes the man through the food she prepares with her hands. Cooking was considered a magical act, and food was always prepared with positive messages, spells for strength, health, love, and longevity. And the man, eating food from the hands of his wife, regained his strength and was filled with energy. The third sacred source is the female womb, the honey gate and the uterus. Sex is inherently sacred, though only if intercourse occurs between people who love each other. They are filled with energy and prolong their life. If it is sex for the sake of sex, then there is a huge loss of energy and people are approaching death. It is very important for a woman to take care of her feminine sphere, her intimate muscles must be trained and strong. This preserves her vital energy; strong muscles do not allow energy to flow out of the body. Do you know why men love young women so much? Because they have more vital energy. Over time, the muscles of the perineum weaken, especially in women who have given birth, because the passage of a child through the birth canal stretches the female womb, and if a woman does not train them, the energy will gradually flow out and the female body will inexorably age. A large amount of energy flows out during menstruation. Therefore, a woman’s task is to make her periods painless and pass easily and quickly. The shorter the duration of your period, the better. A healthy woman’s cycle should be 28 days; if it is more or less, it means there are some disturbances in the female sphere. If menstruation is painful, heavy and lasts a week, then there is a huge loss of energy, and if a woman still has a lot of energy at this time works, then over time there will be less and less vital energy in it. During menstruation, a woman is in a special state, between the spiritual and material worlds; this special time is intended for meditation, creativity, thinking about herself and the world. It is better not to engage in active activities at this time, since the body’s energy is wasted. By the way,premenstrual syndrome is a consequence of emotional and mental overload, a consequence of chronic stress, when a woman does not what she wants, but what she should. All these issues can be solved by training the intimate muscles, and also heal many women’s diseases. In ancient times, many In cultures, especially in the East, women trained their intimate muscles with eggs made from wood or from a jade stone. In the modern world, they are trained using a Muranivsky simulator and such training is called vum building or imbuilding. It is best to train intimate muscles using jade eggs, which can be made from another stone, jadeite, onyx, bowenite, moonstone or rose quartz. Stones are alive, they carry the energy of the earth, fill the feminine sphere with strength, restore and heal. But jade is ideal for this; in the East it was valued more than gold. As a healer, jade will relieve many ailments: headaches, dizziness, eye diseases, kidney diseases and genitourinary system diseases. Jade, in general, improves the human immune system, slows down the aging process, and improves blood circulation. Jade symbolizes cosmic energy, perfection, power and immortality. Protects against the “evil eye”. What is not an ideal stone for the development of female power. How to work with jade eggs? By the way, those jade eggs that are sold in esoteric stores are not jade at all, but jade-like stones. Bowenite, onyx, hydrograssular, obsidian. They are also suitable for work, the main thing is not to get on the coil. This is a special stone that, on the contrary, draws out energy and is good to use only in cases where there are neoplasms in the female sphere, and then no more than three times a week, then it will draw out the energy of the disease. If the woman is healthy, he will draw out healthy energy and de-energize her. Therefore, before choosing stones for yourself, it is better to consult with a stone expert. Before working with an egg, it needs to be prepared and cleansed of foreign energies. To do this, you need to cover your eggs with salt, preferably sea salt, or place them in a saline solution, one tablespoon of salt per two hundred grams of water, for 24 hours. After this, boil for one or two minutes in boiling water. The eggs are ready for work, now you should not give them to anyone, because jade absorbs energy very well. They are pure and will only work with your energy. Working with jades is a magical act and you should treat it only as a special magical process. You need to talk to the jades, you can give them names, communicate with them as if they were alive, because that’s what they really are. Before inserting the jade into your womb, you place the stone in your mouth to heat it and treat it with saliva. And you begin to contract your perineal muscles in order to attract energy and warm up your womb. You shorten it thirty times. Remember, never inject an egg if you are experiencing discomfort. Your intimate organs are sacred, treat them very tenderly, with great love and respect. At first you can introduce the egg at night so that your body gets used to it, sleep with it for several nights, only after that introduce it during the day and only when you are at home, because it can jump out and break. Jade is a very durable stone, but can break if hit. Until your muscles become so strong that they can easily hold the egg, carry it only at home. The first stage is passive training, when you simply carry the egg within yourself. The good thing about it is that it doesn’t require dedicated time for classes. You carry an egg or sleep with it, but the muscles are still trained. Which of the three eggs should you take first for training? Everything here is very simple. Women are all different and everyone’s womb is also different, some have given birth to more than one child, and there are those who have not given birth, their womb is smaller. Therefore, a woman must choose for herself the egg that suits her best, that is, she can wear it without it falling out. It is best to start with a large egg. It is easier for the muscles to hold it and they will not be fastget tired. Then, when they become strong, you will carry a medium egg and then a small one. The next stage is training the intimate muscles with the help of weights. I will tell you about this later. Training the intimate muscles preserves vital energy, rejuvenates, increases sensuality and sexuality, promotes a soft orgasmic birth, rapid recovery after childbirth, preserves the integrity of the birth canal during childbirth. Heals the female sphere. Works with problems such as: Prolapse of the uterus, painful periods, cysts, chronic inflammation, infertility, tubal obstruction, flexed uterus, baby uterus, low libido, lack of orgasm. You can choose any set of eggs for your loved one from us. Now your women's health in your hands and only on you depends the level of your vital energy and your female happiness! If you are ready to move on, and you are interested in sacred techniques of intercourse, training intimate muscles with the help of weights, secret points on a man’s body, male massage, then welcome to training “Secrets of Intimacy”. Magical and healing properties of jadeite, onyx, rose quartz and serpentine. Jadeite Bright green jadeite is credited with the same advantages as jade: protection from all troubles and misfortunes. In Chinese and Tibetan medicine, jadeite is used as a good energy stabilizer . Healers believe that noble jadeite, with its Qi energy, evens out the disturbed bioenergy of a person, gives emotional charge and regulates blood pressure. The energy of jadeite can even out and calm emotional outbursts. It is believed that it helps fight infertility. Jadeite can relieve eye fatigue. Externally, the mineral is similar to jade, but its composition differs from the composition of jade. Jadeite is a silicate of aluminum and sodium and is highly hard. The color of the mineral is usually bright green, due to the presence of chromium in the gem, or dull green due to the presence of iron. The healing properties of the stone include its positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys; it is no coincidence that it is also called a kidney stone. Rose quartzTraditional healers suggest that that this mineral has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic, excretory and immune systems. There is an opinion that rose quartz strengthens the walls of blood vessels, so it is sometimes recommended to be worn for prevention. The pink color of the mineral helps improve mood, increase tone, get rid of nightmares, and alleviate the consequences of stressful situations. Rose quartz affects the heart chakra. In modern practical magic, rose quartz is sometimes used to identify areas with increased negative energy in the home. This stone is very sensitive to the manifestation of evil and black witchcraft. It is recommended to wear it on the body as a talisman against evil spells and the evil eye. In some countries, it is believed that amulets and products made from rose quartz can prolong life. Women who want to create a strong family should wear a bracelet with this stone on their left hand. It brings happiness and makes a woman more attractive. In Eastern countries, rose quartz is used as a remedy that can reduce mental pain and give a person peace and forgiveness. Rose quartz is a talisman for people involved in art. Poets and writers need to keep a small ball made of this stone on their desk. A small piece of raw crystal as a talisman helps its owner increase the power of his talent, gives self-confidence, and attracts success. Pendants and pendants made of rose quartz are a wonderful amulet that helps attract love and family happiness. Onyx Onyx helps relieve stress, relieves pain, promotes emotional balance and self-control. It is used for disorders of the nervous system, depression, insomnia, and in the treatment of heart disease. Onyx relieves pain and reduces inflammation. To do this, it is applied to inflamed areas and tumors. Products made from onyx increase potency, sharpen hearing, rejuvenate and strengthen.
