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1. I study economics.2. I study spiritual practices. Every time I am surprised how 1 and 2 are about the same thing. And every time I am convinced that wealth comes from the word of God. Recently, one of my teachers in the field of investing said amazing words: “You can and should do what you love, even if they pay very little money for it.” A professional career and a financial career can run parallel. May 16 was the big holiday of Vesak or Buddha Purnima - the birthday of Buddha. I participated in a large celebration in one of the Buddhist traditions - in honoring the Medicine Buddha. In this tradition, they write a letter - a request to the Medicine Buddhas (there are 8 of them) on paper of different colors. For example, requests related to money are on yellow paper. Requests related to work – on green paper. Yeah, I think. Work and money - talking about different things is clearly not something that happened yesterday. MONEY COMES FROM THE KARMA OF MONEY. For example, there are people who don’t work at all and have a lot of money. By the way, my personal experience fully confirms this. There were times when I didn’t work and I had much more money than now when I work. I just dream of reaching that financial level when I didn’t work! How to create good money karma? What to do if the debtor’s karma has already risen? In short: The price of the issue is awareness. A person unknowingly creates the karma of poverty and wastes the karma of wealth. How? What to do? How to build a consciousness that generates money? I won’t say anything new, but still: Work purposefully You need a mentor You need patience, because it takes time Waiting for yours hot questions in the comments. PYSY: Just in case, I’ll say it again: there is no mysticism or esotericism here: only the laws of karma are equal to the laws of economics, biology and common sense. And even moreover, there is very bad news: everyone has to work one way or another you will have to anyway. CALL for individual case sessions with requests: Case sessions - this means a low cost of the session (yes, you need to pay in money), and feedback from you: video or in writing.• Loans, debts• Increasing income, overcoming the financial ceiling
