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How to deal with destructive feelings? What do we call inner demons? What eats away the soul from the inside? - Feelings that are difficult to express and acknowledge. One of these is envy. Admitting to yourself that you envy is often shameful, because envy is condemned and considered a low feeling. It appears when we feel insufficient, dissatisfied with ourselves, aspired to more, but ran into a barrier. Envy, like all other feelings, is part of a living person who carries it, which means it is just as alive, and when it declares itself, it is important to come into contact with it and solve the problem that it raises. Demons demand attention, and they will not stop doing this until they receive satisfaction. Moreover, ignoring their needs is simply dangerous and destructive: envy entails hatred and a desire for revenge. The first thing to understand is that the inner demon draws attention to imbalance and pushes us to restore it. If we envy, it means that the consistency between a person’s internal image of himself and his external manifestations has been disrupted. In this situation, one of two things is required: either to change, settle the idea of ​​oneself, or to change reality. Envy is processed through turning to oneself, shifting the focus from others to oneself. First of all, it is important to feel yourself and your needs as valuable and to be aware of your basic, immutable right to assert them. It is also important to develop a clearer picture of your aspirations, desires, values ​​and abilities. For example, you can feel envy of the success of another, being in a “foreign” sphere and striving for someone else’s, where others a priori have more abilities, and (what is important) interest and energy. Sometimes a person may unknowingly not be in a place where he could reveal his potential. Or it happens that we see something as important, but in fact we value something completely different. It is necessary to renew your understanding of yourself, your true spiritual aspirations and desires. We need to understand what we really envy. Would you really like to take this particular place? Or is it something else? If the answer to the question is: “Yes, exactly this,” then the only way out of the feeling of envy will be a change in reality. Here it is already necessary to work with faith in yourself, free internal resources from the clutches of self-destruction and direct them to external transformations. (illustration by Errol le Cain)
