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I love and make my beloved mine, by myself, revealing her and myself. I found her and recognized her. But she also looked for me in me, found me and made me hers and herself. And there is no, there cannot be true love without an answer, it is always the love of two. Nature has endowed us with “bisexuality” and to create a new life requires both unity and difference between the sexes. And if we already know enough differences, then apparently the time has come to look for what unites two unique sides of a person - a man and a woman. Humanity has spent thousands of years searching and proving the difference between the sexes (which of us: first, better, more important), creating thousands of prejudices and barriers with which a developing person has to fight to achieve harmony in relationships. And at the same time they forgot about the main thing - a person is bisexual by nature. This manifests itself both at the hormonal and physiological levels. Each person contains both male and female hormones in different proportions; the body of each person contains both male and female organs, but in a rudimentary state. Thus, in a five-week-old human embryo, its gender cannot be recognized, and only by the end of the third month are the processes that identify it by gender completed. Studies of the genital organs and their excretory tracts indicate parallelism between the characteristics of both sexes in their rudimentary state. It turns out that every man, to some extent, is a woman, having all her sexual characteristics with him (let me remind you once again in a rudimentary state), and every woman carries a man within herself. So the Chinese symbol of the unity of “yin and yang” (male and the feminine principle) is absolutely true - in each of us there is both a man and a woman, biologically and psychologically. It turns out that human nature, although it has endowed each of the sexes with slightly different physiology, has at the same time made men and women an inseparable, single principle, endowing one individual with the characteristics of both sexes. Why? “What is our life?” - "A game!" Our life is, of course, a game, but, as experience shows, our life is a game of men with women and women with men. Just imagine for a second that evolution has taken a different path, that we, like amoebas, reproduce by division, we have no sexes, and at the top of the evolutionary hierarchy there reigns absolute sexual, or rather asexual, uniformity... Can you imagine? What will be left of our lives in this case? Will culture, science, and art exist in such a society? Will people work in it, and most importantly, what exactly will they do it for? And what would they even do if there were no genders? This could be an evolutionary dead end, and Nature does not make mistakes. But now we are talking about men and women. Based on complete trust in Nature, the scientist Otto Weininger developed the theory of gender attraction. It says that every person has both masculine and feminine qualities in varying proportions, because... There is no biologically pure species that has only one gender, but more often men have more masculine qualities, and women have more feminine qualities. Harmony in the relationship between partners is considered here from the point of view of the possibility of mutual complementation of partners to each other, and this, as it turned out, is possible both with their similarities and with the fundamental differences between them. Let us denote by M.K. - masculine qualities, and for Zh.K. - feminine qualities. Let's say that we have a man with the ratio of masculine and feminine qualities (out of 100% possible): M.K. = 73%, and J.K. = 27%, then the ideal woman for him will be a contender with the ratio J.K. =73%, and M.K. =27% or close to these indicators. In this case, she has 27% of the masculine qualities that a man lacks up to 100%, the achievement of which will allow him to fully match his male image, and he has 27% of the feminine qualities that she lacks up to 100%, which will fully reveal her as a woman. But their leading indicators by gender differ radically from him.
