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Notes for therapy. Depression is the loss of the will to live. 1. The global question that depression poses to a person: what is the meaning of life. If there is no desire for anything, then the question is raised about revising human aspiration in principle. The search for a common meaning for all people, which will restore the aspiration of a particular person. There are common beliefs that everyone has their own meaning in life or that there is no meaning in life at all. But these beliefs are wrong. The meaning of life is pleasure. Do not rush to be indignant for those who live with meanings: “Life is work; Life is pain; Life is a sport; Life is a game.” Etc. If we are talking about a meaning that should be common to everyone, then it is in pleasure that they will all coincide. Man can destroy or build. Rescue or pursue. What all people who do not experience depression have in common is that they experience a high. Enjoy what they do. Martin Heidegger agrees with this; his concept of “dasein” was created as an antonym for “depression.” And it denotes a person’s complete involvement in the action.2. After this realization comes the search for what brings the buzz. There is a good technique for finding a dream. It would be desirable that there be 10 of them. 5 personal “dreams” for self-development or training and 5 cash for purchasing things. For a depressed person, the very existence of a dream may seem unattainable.3. But depression is a tricky thing and tries to hide the feeling of pleasure with a mass of veils. In the form of the thought that you don’t want anything. Questions like this will help here: - Do you realize how much better it is to sit in an office than to ride now while standing on public transport? This means you realize that not everything is the same. And there is the best, and there is the worst. Depression is always the beginning of anxiety - so crowds of people around will cause at least mild inconvenience. After all, depression that has developed into neurosis can become a phobia. Fear of large crowds of people. Or fear of closed spaces. And this inconvenience creates a gradation of pleasant and unpleasant. And this is quite a significant moment. After all, depression plunges a person into insensibility, which this gradation helps to overcome.
