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LINDE N.D. ONE SESSION WITH A CANCER PATIENT ON SKYPE (in writing) M.: Nikolai Dmitrievich! Hello. How are you doing? L: Not bad. Yesterday we returned in the evening. And your condition after chemotherapy? M.: My intestines are very sick! I suffer from this. I really want to go home. But so far it’s not working.L.: Imagine an image of pain and write to me.M.: A black sheet of paper, crumpled up!L.: Well, what does he tell you? And who crumpled it up? M.: Thick hands! I don’t know whose! L.: Ask them whose they are? M.: Dad!!! M.: They say (hands) that I’m too greedy! (The client actually had a conflict with her father, who told her that she was “overspent.” He left the family a long time ago and the conflict continues permanently. - N.L.) L.: That is, he made your life “dark” crumpled your life and thinks that you want too much...Tell him: “Dad, I will not get depressed, ruin my life and neglect my life, even if you don’t want to take care of me, I have my own purpose in this life, and it doesn’t depend on you! I wish you happiness in your personal life! “But I create my own life!” What will happen to the paper? L.: Repeat this several times until the full effect. M.: The paper becomes a white cloth developing in the air. L.: That is, your life becomes white and free, filled with energy from the air and moving forward. Do you accept this life? Tell this tissue: “My new life, I accept you completely and will not neglect you anymore!” What will you feel if this tissue becomes a part of you? L.: A part in the psychological sense, as a new state of mind? M.: I’m breathing deeply! And my “lungs” are so transparent and light! There is a funnel made of wind inside me, and it sucks something into itself! L.: Here!!! What does it absorb into itself? L.: Probably energy for life? M.: Garbage! But it's not dust! And pieces of small stones.L.: That is, it cleanses. And where do these pieces go? M.: The funnel sucks them in. And I shout that it’s mine! She says these are stones, but I say that these are not stones. This is something red, similar to pomegranate kernels. L.: These stones are most likely your grievances, and they are also your metastases. But we need to check. Why are they red? What are they saying? Is it possible to turn them into positive things? Or should we let go? L.: Is it possible to transform their energy and give it to little M. for development and prosperity, for health? L.: Or let it go and replace it with what by nature should be? M.: Let go! Let them go into the funnel! And the funnel should just be a breeze inside me. These are grievances.L.: Come on. Take action, but keep in mind that this cannot be a momentary change. I gave up insults, forever! And receive positive energy from the Cosmos or the wind to compensate for your “losses”. Give up the hope that someone will pay you back for your grievances. Let go of grievances and the Cosmos will thank you, you will open the way for energy, for health, and for Destiny. M.: So you let go of old grievances. New ones appear after them. L.: They should also be released immediately. Don't accumulate. And don't even create it. Because grievances are the result of unjustified hopes and an attempt to put pressure on the offender, but as if “silently”, and isolation, which is even worse, because it blocks energy and internal energy exchange in the body. Resentment always means your dependence, hopes on others. And you need to rely only on yourself! When you did that, you were just “flying,” remember? L.: I’ll leave now, but you can write, I’ll just answer later. But this may be even better than verbally. You can go back and review the conversation. Don’t forget - the breeze is apparently your main healing energy. Let it walk in your body constantly! Return to this image and sensations constantly!!!: I remember.M.: Okay. Got it.L.: Tell me about how you feel after an hour of this meditation. (After an hour) L.: Well? I'm there...M. After this meditation, I fell asleep. At first I just dozed off, and then I fell asleep. I woke up and wanted to drink and eat. Now I don’t feel like crying at all.L. Continue again and talk about your physical well-being. I’ll answer later. M.: Ok. L.: Well, that’s all good. And sleep.
