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The article was written at the end of December 2019. This post is for those who are used to overwork and regularly experience chronic stress and fatigue. Season, end of the year, pressure from the manager, the desire to get everything at once. Each of us has our own reasons why we find ourselves in a situation where we no longer have the strength, but there is still a lot of work to do. And there is no time for normal rest. 😱I’m going through this stage now - it’s my training season. I sleep little, work a lot. Flights, moving, changing time zones. Unfortunately, many people are familiar with the unpleasant scenario for the development of such a situation. If fatigue and stress are ignored for a long time, they find relief in a symptom - physical or psychological. In illness, for example. Or emotional burnout, apathy, depression (for those who are especially stubborn). 🤕The body, realizing that there is nowhere to wait for salvation, begins to use any available means to force its overly ambitious owner to rest. But what’s interesting is that some manage to get through this difficult period without serious physical and emotional losses. I have observed people who can do this: they are less nervous in the process, do not forget to maintain their health, and take advantage of even small opportunities for relaxation. 🧘‍♂️At some point, I managed to come to this model. And here's what I understand, looking back a couple of years: the ability to take care of yourself and survive during difficult periods depends heavily on the quality of supports that you have. And the support that, in my opinion, can be very supportive (if there is one) is the knowledge that what you are doing now, you chose yourself, consciously and for the sake of something very important (goal or value). Feeling confident in your choice, in other words. 🏋️‍♀️This is a luxury that is not always available, unfortunately. Often we find ourselves in chronic difficult situations not because we know exactly why we are here and what this will give us, but precisely because we did not ask ourselves this question at the time and did not answer it. Moreover, the amount of effort and suffering may be the same in both cases, but in one case it is a product of our healthy ambitions, and in the second - a product of our inertia. Listen to your feelings from two formulations: 1️⃣ “I want our family to live well, therefore, when there is an opportunity to earn more, I will try to do it, even if sometimes it’s hard” 2️⃣ “Umm, well, in our organization it’s common to overwork, everyone does it...” “For example, in the first case I feel hope and excitement . In the second case - powerlessness and disgust. And then, of course, in the second case, it is more profitable for me to get sick in order to minimize suffering and rest, than to continue to wear myself out for the sake of something unknown.🤢An important caveat: all this only works if you really once made a conscious decision , for what you will strain. You cannot, when you find yourself in a difficult situation due to your inertia, say to yourself: “Well, I’m probably doing this for the sake of my family...” and expect that motivation and strength will increase. This will be self-deception. To do this, you still have to mentally go back a few steps and ask yourself a few questions: “Why did I really choose this?”, “What is really important to me now?” (and this can be, by the way, rest), “What am I ready for for this, and what am I not?” 🤔And answer them honestly..
