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The information is quite banal for specialists, but can be extremely interesting for a wide range of readers. There are many articles and posts about depressive disorders and depression itself in general. Moreover, just look at the ICD-10, where you can see many symptoms. But still, depression is a mental disorder that is accompanied by low mood and the inability to have fun. In fact, in order to simplify this material as much as possible, we can distinguish three key triads of depression: Depressive triad of E. Kraepelin (published in 1899), a German psychiatrist, the founder of the modern nosological concept in psychiatry. Hypotymia (low mood, depression) Ideational inhibition (decreased mental activity) Motor retardation (decreased motor activity) Somatovegetative triad V.P. Protopopov (published in 1920), Soviet psychiatrist, student of Bekhterev V.M. Bekhterev's school sought to show the pathophysiological aspects of mental disorders, that is, the study and description of violations of the mechanisms of operation of organs, systems and the entire organism as a whole. Tachycardia Pupil dilation Tendency to constipation Cognitive triad by A. Beck (first found in the literature of 1963, then described in other books by the author in 1976 and 2002). Aaron Beck, one of the authors of cognitive behavioral therapy. Perhaps the key postulate of this direction is the idea that thinking mediates our emotions and behavior. The result of formed maladaptive thinking is a negative attitude towards oneself (the patient considers himself flawed, inadequate, terminally ill or deprived; he tends to explain his failures by supposedly existing psychological, moral or physical defects) to his current experience (it seems to the patient that the world around him makes exorbitant demands on him and/or creates insurmountable obstacles to him on the way to achieving life goals) to his own future (turning his gaze to the future, a depressed person sees only endless a series of difficult trials and suffering; believes that he will have to constantly endure difficulties, disappointments and hardships; he expects inevitable failure in business). Of course, this is not all that is important to know about depression. Therefore, I warn you against self-medication, patience, alcohol, and so on; if you have any suspicions, refer to mental health specialists. Making a diagnosis is the responsibility of the following doctors: psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and neurologists also do this). At the same time, affective disorders and mood disorders, which include depression, are also studied in a separate course by clinical psychologists. It has been unequivocally proven that treatment of mild depression is possible only with cognitive behavioral therapy. In cases of moderate and severe depression, support in the form of psychopharmacology from doctors is necessary, as chemical changes occur in the body. In some studies, strategic therapy (the works of G. Nardone and P. Vaclavik), hypnotherapy (the works of Yapko), and transactional analysis (the works of M. Widdowson) claim to be effective in treating depression. In order not to leave readers without practical tools, I propose a universal one for any psychological problems, a method that allows you to track your condition, plus. Fill out the table for 1-2 weeks, in which you enter all the emotions and feelings that concern you in the column on the left (there may be several of them, call these conditions as you like). At the top, mark the two-hour intervals in the horizontal line. At the intersection of these two characteristics, write down your condition in points from 0 to 10 or from 0 to 100, as is more convenient for you. 0—no phenomenon, 10 or 100—maximum possible severity. Every year, at least 200 million people worldwide suffer from depression. These rates may be even higher because most victims of depression do not seek help because they are unaware.
