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From the author: “You are never given a desire without being given the strength to make it come true. However, you may have to work hard for this.” Richard Bach About interesting facts: Body painting, which has become so popular recently among many people, especially young people, can indicate low self-esteem. American psychologists stated this, as reported by the E-NEWS portal. Researchers interviewed 48 women and men, some of whom had tattoos on their bodies. It turned out that there are 4 reasons why people get tattoos. Firstly, many resort to body painting to belong to one of the groups. Some people get tattoos as a sign of protest. Very few responded that they simply liked it for aesthetic reasons. But the majority of respondents got a tattoo at a time of severe emotional stress. Experts suggest that the popularity of body painting, especially among women, has increased significantly in recent years. Scientists believe that not every person who gets a tattoo has low self-esteem, but having 3 or more tattoos on the body is one of the signals. Although perhaps many celebrities - such as David Beckham - are the exception to the rule. Why do we need self-esteem? The need for self-esteem is based on two facts. The first is that our survival, mastery of the environment and choice of lifestyle depends largely on the optimal use of our own consciousness and all internal resources of the Self. Second, in optimizing mental activity, which underlies our life existence and functioning, the key is the question of choice - i.e. personal responsibility for the decision made. We are not programmed to think and act automatically - we always have a choice: to think or not to think about making a decision and committing an action, to act rationally or irrationally, according to circumstances or contrary to them. This is where the need for self-esteem comes from - the need to know the distinctive, strengths of potential own personality, in order to build on their basis successful interaction with the outside world in accordance with the requirements of life. If you are interested in reading more about self-esteem: Why am I being used? Self-esteem and addictions. What is self-esteem? Share on vk
