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Vaivation is an interesting and effective breathing technique that appeared as an offshoot of the rebirthing technique. The essence of the general vibration concept comes down to the following five components: Continuous coherent breathing. Such breathing implies minimal (almost imperceptible) pauses in the inhalation/exhalation cycle. Its general structure is determined by the parameters of intensity, depth and correspondence of exhalation to inhalation. The depth of inhalations is tied to the intensity of the problem situation, as well as the emotional coloring and level of physical sensations. The intensity of breathing acts as a kind of signaling system, indicating the speed of the therapeutic process and the overall speed of the stress disorder Based on these parameters, vibration uses four types of breathing. Maximum relaxation. Maximum relaxation establishes possible accessibility to hidden traumatic experiences. Expanded attention. It has been proven that the more attention and effort put into understanding and analyzing a process, the more it becomes distorted. The leading goal of consciousness during breathing is observation. Any unfavorable situation manifests itself, for example, on the physical, mental, symbolic, figurative or emotional plane. Often consciousness is limited to one familiar plane, which is more acceptable to it. During breathing exercises, a gradual expansion of the scope of attention occurs. Contextual plasticity. Context in this technique is a subjective category and is directly dependent on personal life experience, values ​​and existing attitudes. Context is not limited to a specific situation, but also acts as an attitude towards it. Typically, each person uses a stable set of contexts (new situations are analyzed using old concepts). Flexibility implies awareness of the variety of choices in the perception and assessment of any situations. Active trust is a general positive attitude of the vibe technique. Achieving conscious safety is a psychological guarantee of complete relaxation and is reflected in the success of working with all components of breathing techniques. What is so attractive about this technique? First of all, the opportunity to learn the following things: - control of one’s own body; - making expedient and justified decisions, behavior patterns in difficult situations; - receiving a positive impulse from communication; - increasing efficiency; - quickly restoring mental, emotional and bioenergetic balance; - minimizing influence external stimuli; - realization of creative potential; - application of the practice of a positive attitude towards life. Vacation, like a number of other breathing practices, can allow you to move towards the “normal” to one degree or another..
