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Beginning https://www.b17.ru/article/274953/In Soviet times, dialectical materialism was the main officially recognized philosophy. Although few people used dialectics in practice. The fact that the collective and the individual are dialectical opposites could only be read in a textbook. In fact, the values ​​of the team have always been placed above personal values. And now few people remember the dialectic of relationships. In our time, including among psychologists, there is a predominant bias towards individuality. Perhaps this is natural. First, the string was pulled in one direction, and then released and it deviated in the other. So, what does the first law of dialectics say: “Movement and development in nature, society and thinking are caused by the bifurcation of the whole into interpenetrating opposites and the resolution of emerging contradictions between them through struggle” This is actually a description of the conflict. Any relationship is conflict-generating: be it a boss - a subordinate, a husband-wife, a parent-child. On the one hand, they represent an integral system, because there is no boss without a subordinate, a husband without a wife, and a parent without a child, and on the other hand, each of the participants in the relationship has its own interests, which are different from the interests of the partner. The entire society consists of many similar social systems and social roles. Whether we want it or not, the social roles that we are endowed with in society are dialectical opposites of other social roles, that is, we are in unity and struggle with them, and therefore a priori in conflict. This is how the world works. Moreover, the closer and more intense the social relations, the more struggle and conflict there will be. Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about personal boundaries, about the fact that they must be defended and constantly marked. But where are these boundaries, for example, in the relationship between husband and wife, boss and subordinate, child and parent? The wife has interests that are connected with her husband and that is why she is with him in these relationships and roles, and he has counter interests. They may even be complementary in content, but the form of implementation may not be the same, pace, time, quantity, quality, and so on and so forth. To understand and feel, to identify these contradictions according to the first law of dialectics, mutual penetration and collision (conflict) is necessary. And here, if a person is fixated on defending his borders, a break in contact is possible. Continued: https://www.b17.ru/article/275214/
