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Sometimes we really want to re-educate our neighbors - because they are inconvenient, not the way they should be, not the right ones. Naturally, it is expected that as soon as another person takes “the true path,” real happiness will begin - after all, no one will be angry anymore, and no one will drink blood either. Dreams, dreams... Are we to blame for pushing happiness into the hands of others? Of course not. We were taught to make an “atata” to a chair or an unscrupulous corner who dared to hit us painfully. These chairs are scoundrels, what can I say. And who are we? And we are great! 💪🏻 True, we innocently suffer from attacks from inadequate furniture. And so, from the age of two or three, we gradually pull the toggle switch of self-feelings towards the “victim” mark. Nothing depends on the victim, especially her life. What then? Go to school. And then for some reason everything changes. Parents do not offer to “attack” the director, who yells at everyone instead of going to treatment. Children don’t even realize that they should tell mom and dad about the teacher who can even “pat” her head with a pointer. Maybe they tried it once, and they were told: it’s their own fault! Or maybe they didn’t try, because they had long read humility in front of the school system in their parents’ eyes. (I’m not writing about kindergarten yet.) Don’t cross the dragon, don’t cross the elders. You never know what you want! - time has changed, but these phrases still flow through us and poison a new generation of people on whom nothing depends - all that remains is either to be angry at the silent chairs, or to bend in front of those who perceive the people next to them as the same furniture. The difference between children and hysterical people for adults, only the external one - both are deprived of strength. It’s just that some elders have adapted to scolding “living furniture.” They, too, were children and then they learned: “Where they can influence—walk more carefully, keep their balance—the power was taken away from them and given to the chairs.” - Where they need to influence and defend themselves, they are not offered to show strength and are even scolded for such ideas. In sum, this is helplessness. That’s why big little children scream. What is the strength, brother? In truth? In yourself. In you." Damn, what power is there when ~he~ doesn't work, drinks, doesn't give life!!!" Let's take our power from the chair.1. You chose him by showing strength. Unless, of course, you were stolen in a sack or your parents secretly got you married.2. You knew him. And she agreed. This means that then this choice was the best possible.3. Has he changed over the years? Maybe. And yet these have been years together, and communicating vessels have long been circulating the same liquid between them. He drives your pain about chairs, teachers, mom and more, more... You are his. As far as you had the strength, you tried to heal each other’s past, even if you didn’t notice it. But for some reason you didn’t have enough strength. And here again there is your strength. Your choice. Stay, recognizing that this is who you are, wounded. Look for additional resources - friends, travel, therapy, creativity... Or maybe leave if you die. But definitely don’t expect someone else to take it and change. Together you are a whole apple. If it is a crooked and slanting half, and you cannot get unstuck, this means only one thing: you are a mirror crooked one. Not bad, but wounded, these are different things. He is a miser, and you are a spender. He saves everyone recklessly, and you, without flinching, drown the kittens. He sits quietly on the sofa, and you have been on the armadillo for a long time. At the same time, you cannot see yourself. It just levels you out. Pulls the blanket to its extreme so that you don’t “fly away” completely. That's why I chose it. Plus and minus are attracted relative to one axis of coordinates (qualities, ideas, habits) in order to give a total of zero - a calm neutral state, from where you can look at different options well, be different. And rather than waste your nerves trying to reason with your neighbor, it’s cheaper to go to therapy . When you have smooth edges, someone else will have to bite off their rough edges. Or fall off. And you will also have more opportunities for movement, you will no longer get stuck with sharp edges in the extremes of another. With children, oddly enough, it’s exactly the same. Since it is impossible to escape from them, they shamelessly show us all our imperfections through reverse behavior. For example, they make a mess if our apple is crooked)
