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L.A. Kulikova, consultant psychologist. One of the most pressing problems of today is the question of the place of women in the modern world. The Industrial Revolution in the 20th century marked the beginning of the process of blurring the line between male and female labor. The growth of consumption has caused a growing need for labor resources. Thus, the demand for women's labor began to increase. An economic prerequisite has been formed for a woman to go beyond the family and become a socially active person. Women are becoming more and more successful at the professional level, increasingly finding themselves in leading roles in business and occupying leadership positions thanks to their professionalism and business qualities. Although the traditional role of a woman in society is to be a mother, housewife, and homemaker, now, along with a happy family life, education, a career, and the opportunity to realize themselves are no less important for women. K. Leana and D. Feldman in their study recorded the negative impact of unemployment on the family. Thus, the authors found that husbands and wives, having lost their jobs, often show less cohesion and mutual support than before, and therefore conflict arises more often (Psychology of unemployment: an introduction to the problem [N.S. Glukhanyuk A.I. Kolobkova A. A. Pecherkina M. 2003.p.11] According to our data, 71% of unemployed women have families. Profession and marriage are the most important indicators and conditions for a person’s happiness in life. N.A. Berdyaev noted that the family is subject to the same laws. state. Destruction of the usual way of life, instability, overload, chronic stress, loss of work, a constant feeling of dissatisfaction and, as a result, prolonged depression - all these factors contribute to the destruction of family relationships [Psychology of the modern family M. 2004. P.253]. The current situation in the labor market, which is a consequence of the global socio-economic crisis, is characterized by an increase in the number of female unemployment. For a number of years, we have been providing psychological support to citizens who have lost their jobs through group forms of activating classes with clients of employment centers. According to our research, in a training group consisting of 15 people, up to 80% are women; of these, up to 30% are women who are in the third stage of unemployment, characterized by a state of pessimism; up to 10% are at the fourth stage - the stage of fatalism. More and more women with higher education are joining the training groups (59% with higher education; 13% with incomplete higher education). Unemployment has a powerful negative impact, primarily on people's mental health. According to the results of a study by J. Witkin, conducted in the early 1990s, in terms of the strength of the stressful impact on the psyche, dismissal from work ranks fifth immediately after the death of a loved one. Ronald Kessler, Ph.D., a sociologist at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, believes that middle age is the best time in life [The psychology of unemployment: an introduction to the problem. N.S. Glukhanyuk A.I. Kolobkova A.A. Pecherkina M. 2003]. It would seem that it’s time for a woman’s professional growth and self-realization. But, returning to the data of our study, we are forced to state that 45% of unemployed women are between the ages of 30 and 50. Unfortunately, it is at this age, in the situation of the current economic crisis, that it is most difficult for a woman to find a job and more difficult to gain new professional experience. We must not forget that experiencing a crisis situation associated with the loss of a job is largely determined by violations in the structure of personal values ​​and other personal values. formations that are united by foreign authors in the concepts of “Self-concept”. The consequences of these violations are found in the behavior and organization of human activity [Osnitsky A.K., Chuikova T.S. Self-regulation.
