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Let's start from the very beginning. You want a man to surround you with care, pamper and cherish you, and generally make your life better in every possible way. These are our initial data. I’m not saying that ALL women dream about this, but the vast majority absolutely do. And the fact that you are now reading this article means that this topic is at least not indifferent to you. Good. There are certain needs, desires and hopes. Hopes that your man will someday do this - surround you with attention, care and make your life easier and happier. I hear about this all the time - the lack of the proper amount of male attention and care is one of the leaders in the women's hit parade disorders. But at the same time, which is very sad, many women have already come to terms with this. Mom says that this is normal, and she has already lost hope of changing anything. Girlfriends also make their contribution, saying that everything is the same with their husbands and men. And okay, if so, they may also tell you that you definitely need to be a “strong” woman and not be nagging - otherwise the world will devour you with and you will be left with nothing. And you gradually, gradually begin to believe that this is probably right, that this is how it should be. Since everyone says so, it means it should be so, it means I will live somehow. But you can’t deceive yourself - the worm of doubt has firmly settled in your soul - there is still a feeling inside that it shouldn’t be this way. Inside you feel that it could be different, that all this happens for others, but it should be different for you. And I will tell you “Yes, it is.” It may be different, and this will be almost entirely your fault. But what does different mean? In another way, it means trusting a man. In another way, it means learning to ask and receive. In another way, it means truly learning to take care of yourself. In another way, it means “turning off” total control and enjoying what issues can be resolved without your participation. And so on... This list can be continued for a very long time, but the main thing here is to understand the starting point. Understand what is the common denominator - what unites all the positive consequences that will come into your life. And here I would like to give a short story from real life, one might even say, a cry from the heart (spelling and punctuation preserved): “It’s very interesting to know “weak” strong women, how did you manage to have men working for you, hammering nails and busying themselves in the garden and around the house. I believe that someone has such men! What were you doing during your friendship when you began to forge the weak woman within you? Or are they really weak themselves? Being a weak woman...so THIS should be immediately included during the candy-bouquet period? And after 2..3...10 years of marriage, the “switch” button does not work. I was recently called “The Woman Who Stops a Running Horse.” I was offended, and the man thought that he had given me a good compliment. And I immediately remembered, “There are women in Russian villages, they are affectionately called women, they will stop an elephant while it gallops, and they will tear off its trunk.” And I kind of understand that “it’s my own fault.” ", but just what? - that I’m trying to solve problems at home. And it seems like I tried to be internally weak, but the eagles did not flock to my inner call. They probably felt that they were being deceived here. After all, it is the internal state, in my opinion, that gives birth to the external. This is when a puny and outwardly small man holds “the whole village” in his fist. Why? Such charisma, the energy knocks down a bull. Girls, maybe we are afraid to show our weaknesses to a man? Yelling and hitting with a rolling pin is “kicking the hedgehog.” And if you sit in the kitchen, howl and cry, don’t think about where to get money for food (go on vacation, medicine, go to a beauty salon, new boots and other things I want), just cry? Cry and look - who will come running to wipe away the tears, so that it’s not the child, but the husband. And what will he do after that: if he crumples the sofa again, it means he didn’t recognize the “weak woman.”Said: “I don’t believe it!” and again on the sofa. So how to become weaker? Here is an ordinary example when a man opens the door for a lady. What to do if a man was not accustomed to opening the door for you first. Well, he doesn’t point blank see you as a “weak” woman, because he knows that you are capable of opening the door. What did you do so that he would open the door later? Are there people for whom a man opens a car door? This is simply the highest level of recognition of Women. Weak Women! How did you make a gallant man out of domestic sloths who will support and wipe away your tears? Maybe you should cry more often in front of him? There are women who are “strong enough to cry,” and maybe weak women do this. I, when my soul is sick, howl alone, then I powder my swollen nose and again the Phoenix bird. Or should close people complain about life more often? I’m not complaining, and they don’t give me much help. It’s like they’re patting a horse on the rump: “Well, you’re strong, you can handle it!” And the horse’s hooves are already worn out, I’m so tired of this role of “Strong Woman”! I'm ready to play another one, teach me! How to become weaker? So that a man would suddenly get up from the sofa, straighten his shoulders, and put his wife and children on these shoulders and carry it all, and rejoice: “He’s a Man, he’s strong!” One friend who lived alone for many years told me that watching married people women, she noticed that, for example, they won’t take a jar from a high shelf themselves - they’ll ask those around them. (Men, adult children) But she couldn’t reach it, so she stood on a stool and after 50 she began to notice all these little things. Or will all this talk awaken a man in a man - this is nonsense, and what is there and sniff? It also happens that in the first marriage a man is lazy, does not wash, does not work, and in the second he works and washes and saws and planes. Perhaps my post will seem too chaotic, “both horses and people are mixed,” but surely there are these cunning tricks of weak Women and methods of influence...” And there are many such stories. Times change, names change, but the problem remains. It is eternal. By the time someone solved this problem for themselves - it doesn’t matter if they were 20, 30, or 70 - someone had just encountered all this for the first time. And this cycle is endless. And women want, they strive to change themselves and their lives, but they don’t know how. Because it's a habit. Because society. Because others will not understand... The current model does not work simply because a woman does not need to be “The woman who stops a galloping horse.” And you don’t need to go into burning huts either - it’s not a woman’s business. Yes, you know how to do this. Yes, you might have gotten used to it by now. And this is understandable: women are excellent at changing their behavior, it can be very plastic if circumstances require it. But this is also a woman’s problem: without knowing in advance which behavior patterns are destructive, it is very easy to learn them and then suffer, not understanding that what is happening is not happening as it should. From understanding, all that remains is a vague feeling that you deserve something more, and this, as a rule, is not enough to seriously change something. You want the best, you strive to solve all problems around - both their own and their man. You really want to help, but, simply put, you are “playing around” with a game that is not feminine. And then off we go: the more roles you take on that are unusual for a woman, the further you are from the state in which a man wants to take care of you. Therefore, the most important key to receiving more male attention and care is the ability to implement in life those models of behavior that will seem to say to him: - “Your attention is very important to me”; - “I love it so much when you take care of me”;- “I am very pleased when you help me”;- “I really appreciate your independence and determination”;- “It’s so great that you can solve any issue”;- “Next to you I feel safe";And so on. You can just say it with words, but even better, as I already mentioned, learn to show it through actions. If you read this article carefully, then you may have already picked up a few important ideas, and I I hope, you
