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My mom just called me on Skype and boasted about a piece of work: she finished her first painting with paints. This is her new hobby. She said that she could not finish it for a long time, because... There was no paint that matched the color: the old one had dried out, and I couldn’t match the new one by shade. In general, I had to get out of it... But the masterpiece is ready! And I thought: after all, our life is the same space for creativity. We also come up with something, get out of a limiting situation, get carried away, create... And it depends on each of us whether we will make life a great masterpiece, an unappreciated arthouse, or leave it as an unfinished picture. The only problem is that not all women realize their talent to create a masterpiece of life! What is there! Some people don’t even know that life can be created! When I first realized my power as a creator, it changed my life! It turns out that we can bring whatever we want into our lives. It depends on us whether our life will be in bright, sunny, joyful colors, or whether we prefer gloomy, dark tones. Will there be joyful events or disasters in our picture? Or maybe serenity and regularity will reign there? Everything is possible! This is our masterpiece! If you still find it difficult to realize your full power (sometimes it takes time), start with simple steps. Open a beautiful notebook and write down the answers to the following questions: If my life were a painting, what colors would it be? What colors would you like to add to this painting? What atmosphere is conveyed in the painting? What is the mood there? Do you want to change the plot of the picture? How? Do it right now. What frame should we frame your masterpiece? Now you, as an artist, can do whatever you want with your painting! That's all! Add, remove, decorate! Want to bring the picture to life? Then add sound, movement, transport yourself inside this picture and stay there. You can do exactly the same thing with your life. No excuses accepted! I did it, my friends did it, which means you can do it too. At any age, in any position, in any conditions. Create! Turn your life into a work of art! Play with colors and subjects! This is your life, this is your masterpiece! Taking care of you, Anastasia Luchkina
