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What can you do?! Yes, YOU are exactly YOU! What can you do in this life? What can you do right now? Can you change yourself, your body? What about changing another person, even the closest one? Can you immediately and directly change the world like this? No? Or “yes”? By and large, we can’t change anything, except... First, an example. An optimistic example: “I’m becoming thin right now!” I can do everything. I can change. I won't eat. That’s enough, it’s time to stop with this fullness.” After 6 or maybe 8 hours, or days... “No, this is unbearable! Food on my mind! I can not do anything!!! I want to eat!” Pessimistic example: Late evening. Teenagers clearly under the age of 18 approach the supermarket checkout with cans of alcoholic cocktails. The cashier begins to “punch” the goods. I am loudly outraged by the violation of the law. The teenagers start shouting and threatening me, and the cashier starts giggling sarcastically. My husband tells me: “You shouldn’t have started this. We can't change anything." WE CAN! The only thing we can change in our lives is behavior. What I'm DOING right now! I brought the situation with teenagers and alcohol to an end. Claimed violation of trade rules. And soon these rules were tightened and now young people with alcohol at the checkout are asked for a passport. I did it! It may be a small step, but I DID. What did you do right now for what you think is right? What can be done to change the body? If you just don’t give it food, it will, of course, change... but will you like its changes? Without food, the body suffers and dies. But if you eat small meals, that is, often (at least 4 times a day) and not in large portions, you can create conditions for normalizing body weight. How balanced is your diet? These conditions also include the balance of rest and movement. Do you walk (walk) every day? How much? Also, the conditions for weight normalization include the balance of sleep and wakefulness. An adult needs about 8 hours of sleep. And it’s better to allow yourself to wake up without an alarm clock a couple of times a week. A body exhausted from lack of sleep has no time for weight loss! And also, what is your relationship with your loved ones? And at work with colleagues, clients, boss? A person who is in constant psychological stress is definitely not in the mood for “conditions for losing body weight.” Now think about what you can do to change the situation right now. Where do you start? I do this every day. What? I help those who want to start changes and are ready to act for this. Normalize your diet and diet, satisfy your bodily needs and spiritual aspirations. For this purpose, I have carefully developed a “New Level” eating behavior correction program. Using it, you can normalize your body weight with comfort and confidence in maintaining harmony. On May 15, we are holding a lesson that will already help you get a new look at the system of relationships between people. Discover opportunities for establishing new contacts and improving the connections you already have. Feel a surge of strength and confidence. This is the lesson “System of comfortable relationships in the family and at work.” Sincerely, Elena.
