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From the author: Partially the psychological characteristics of new children were described in previous chapters. In this chapter we will try to collect all the available data on the psychology of such children together. Unfortunately, as with other characteristics, there is little deep, scientifically verified information about the psychology of Indigo children, due to the novelty of the phenomenon and lack of belief in its existence. The vast majority of literature on this topic speaks of the similarity of the manifestations of “new” children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This chapter is devoted to highlighting these problems, as well as other psychological characteristics and characteristics. Indigo children require more attention and care than ordinary children. Their irrepressible nature does not allow them to focus on one thing, object, or object of attention for a long time, since they need much more impressions and variety in the environment. They allow themselves to focus for a long time on what they really find interesting. An inquisitive mind tries to penetrate inside an object, thing or phenomenon - hence the quick and easy assimilation of complex construction sets, transformers, cell phones and even computers. Their minds are as hyperactive as their bodies. Young children are distinguished by their liveliness of character, irrepressibility, restlessness, hot temper, ambition, and spontaneity of judgment. Most Indigo children have DNA structural features. Mischievous children surprise with their insight. They do not know fear, guilt, shame. These children are self-sufficient and know their worth. They live intuitively, spontaneously, easily. Their peace stems from their state of being “here and now,” at this moment in time. They know well what they want and even better know what they don't want. The old stereotype of thinking and life is not for them. They think outside the box for today's people - this is one of their distinctive features. Western children develop in a slightly different environment than Eastern children. This leaves a big imprint on the maturation and development of these children. Hence the difference in the manifestations of their characteristics in these children. However, what remains similar is that such children are considered unusual, both for Western and Eastern peoples. As they grow, they discover more and more features and differences from previous children in their worldview, sensations, feelings, ways of thinking and communication. And the eternal children's question “why?” changed to “why?”, since “new” children have a very strong strong-willed attitude towards conscious actions. With age, they begin to feel their purpose, the mission with which they came. This goal begins to lead them towards its realization. They clearly know what they want to achieve and do everything possible to achieve it, even if this may contradict the laws and norms of society. Some foreign and domestic researchers express the opinion that new children, in terms of the level of development of their consciousness, are at a higher stage of evolution. They feel their multidimensionality and know how to use it (at least unconsciously), and perceive the world in a completely different way. They see the world and feel it more multidimensional than ordinary people. Often they perceive both the physical world and the subtle (immaterial) world at the same time. This is one of the problems associated with their adaptation in this world. Their brain works somewhat differently from what it was before. They can think about several things at once. Moreover, about those that may be absolutely incomprehensible to others. Young children may begin to explain quantum physics to you while suffering from dysgraphia or alexia. Also, their minds are more abstract and disconnected from real-world models. He is more dissociated from real objects, things, models (from the material world as a whole). For them, logic or feelings are not primary. These mental characteristics go in pairs - hand in hand, complementing each other. Such children perceivethis world not only with the five senses of an ordinary person, but also in other ways known only to them. Their perception of the passage of time is also different from the perception of time by ordinary people. They do not perceive it linearly and, accordingly, live and act based on the characteristics of such perception. They perceive the past, present and future simultaneously, in a state of “here and now” - “...I am an old man and a baby at the same time!” Some of them exhibit all sorts of superpowers that were previously considered the fruit of science fiction: telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, telekinesis and many others. There is an opinion among researchers who deal with this problem not only from a materialistic point of view, that the first Indigos (second half of the 70s) are quite different from the Indigos of recent years. The former have slightly lower potential than the latter. This difference lies in the fact that in the first Indigos, unusualness manifested itself more in behavior. In the latter, unusualness can clearly manifest itself in behavior and psychology and clinically; in bright manifestations of the so-called. superpowers. This can be compared to a modification of the computer operating system: Windows-95; 98; 2000, etc.[23]. Russian researcher of the Indigo phenomenon, clinical psychologist, candidate of medical sciences V.N. Pugach argues that new children exhibit delayed brain maturation [19]. But by the time they mature (15-16.5 years), such children exhibit abilities that were previously available to only a few. V.N. Pugach divides the development of a child into three stages: Stage 1: from 0 to 5 years; Stage 2: from 5 to 14 years; Stage 3: from 15 years and older. He gives each stage of development its own characteristics: Stage 1: from 0 to 5 years. Mothers, especially those who have given birth again, notice an unusually meaningful look in their newborn children, from the first days of his birth (“Pinocchio symptom”). New babies often remember events in the first months of their life (12 to 24 months). Often, having matured a little, they can talk about events that they saw earlier. Due to delayed brain maturation, approximately 60% of these children begin to speak much later than you or me, or even their older siblings. And in 90% of cases, speech is restored spontaneously. Approximately 15-20% of children begin to speak very early. Beginning to become aware of themselves, they demand respectful and equal treatment. They do not recognize authority, but need support and guiding care and love. They may have the ability to see auras, read minds, and predict the future. Often they can tell you about their past lives and that they see different creatures with wings (elves) or angels. If parents ridicule them or tell them that this does not happen, children withdraw into themselves, become distrustful and unsociable. One more feature. If adults have linear thinking, then the new generation develops multidimensional thinking. Therefore, they easily master the navigation of an unfamiliar mobile phone and easily master new computer games. In connection with this feature, such children, asking “strange” questions, try to determine the place of each new information in their multidimensional inner world. On the other hand, many children develop “clip” thinking (fragmentary perception and processing of incoming information, not united into a single system of understanding the world). Stage 2: from 5 to 14 years. In the period from 5.5 to 14 years, the child’s brain is still immature, forced to process a huge amount of information at school (lessons, homework, difficult school curriculum), at home (video, computer, TV, etc.), on the street. As a result, adaptation failures, neuroses, psychosomatic diseases, hatred of learning, etc. arise more and more often. The fact is that new children are ambidextrous, that is, they are both left-handed and right-handed in their brain function. It's just that some people are dominant with their left hand, while others are dominant with their right hand. Hence the very specific problems during the periodintensive brain development. In these children, due to the immaturity of interhemispheric interactions, switching of the right-left hemisphere “systems” occurs spontaneously. This can lead to serious learning problems. To determine ambidexterity V.N. Pugach offers a small test, which is as follows: Test 2: You need to take a sheet of paper and two pens, and start writing the same text with both hands at the same time, in one or different directions. If you succeed immediately or after five minutes of training, it means you are ambidextrous, and most likely Indigo [14]. Thus, sums up V. N. Pugach, mosaic, uneven maturation of the brain; sensitivity to the phases of the moon (full moon), information overload leading to nervous exhaustion; the presence of ambidexterity, which is an obstacle at an early stage of development; various signs of attention impairment are objective factors of school difficulties in modern children. He also notes that due to the similarity of the problems of perceiving the surrounding world, Indigo Children are at one pole, and autism (ADA) is at the other. Stage 3: after 15-16.5 years, when the child’s brain matures, learning becomes much easier. The child begins to take his studies lightly. The child begins to spend the free time he has on computer games, the Internet, and videos. Joins teenage groups (gangs), where the norm is the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking, early sex and other antisocial behavior. The phenomenon of ambidexterity has a great advantage in adolescence. A teenager easily begins to remember a huge amount of information, and the speed of information processing increases greatly. Over the past few years, teenagers have emerged whose right and left hemispheres of the brain can work autonomously. They claim that they can think about two things at the same time. Previously, this was recorded only in particularly gifted individuals. Observations have shown that if such people begin to seriously engage in something, they will soon achieve great results. And here is another “Indigo Test” by V. Pugach: Test 3. 1. When your child was just born, did he immediately look meaningfully into your eyes? (Pinocchio symptom).2. When your baby was nursing, sometimes, suddenly, with obvious interest, he began to follow with his eyes some invisible moving object or object on the ceiling?3. When your child was quiet in another room and you looked in and saw that he was laughing and playing in the crib with someone invisible to you?4. When did your child start picking up a spoon equally with both his right and left hands? 5. Have you noticed short-term lapses in attention (5-10 seconds) in your child, especially when tired?6. Does your child have trouble catching a ball, especially one thrown diagonally? Doesn’t it always “fit” into the doorway successfully, hitting the jamb?7. Late appearance of speech (at 2-4 years).8. Easily, compared to adults, masters three-dimensional, three-dimensional games and computer navigation; unknown mobile phone?9. Easily masters control of home audio-video equipment.10. In elementary school, a child may not have a “standard of behavior.” For example, comments from adults cause sincere surprise: “Did you run across the desks? Well, what’s wrong with this, it’s not allowed, or what?”.11. Switching memory according to the principle - “I remember, then I don’t remember.” At school he doesn’t remember the poem he learned at home, at home he doesn’t remember what happened at school today.12. Can write the same words with both hands at the same time. If the answer is “Yes” to five or more questions, then there is a high probability that your child may be considered Indigo [16]. New children are very sensitive to insincerity, or even outright lies, of their communication partner. They seem to read information from a person or object, scan it with their “biocomputer”, so it is almost impossible to deceive them. Indigo children react painfully to the insincerity and hypocrisy of adults. Andacutely feel injustice towards themselves and loved ones. Their hypersensitivity earned them the term “skinless babies.” The measure of justice for them is universal human values. Most Indigo children are too often given the impression that they are unworldly, unadaptive, disorganized, unfit, lazy, inert, or abnormal. Therefore, their self-esteem may decline even at a young age. Just like other children, Indigos suffer from all kinds of fears. The fear of death occupies a large place in their lives. However, they also often think about suicide. This usually happens because they do not feel loved by their relatives and people close to them. They say that life has no meaning to them unless they are loved. Love occupies a very important place in their life. They claim that in order to realize their plans and aspirations they need to feel that they are loved [7; 22]. These children often experience all sorts of depression and stress. This happens because they feel different from everyone else. This prevents them from establishing harmonious relationships with others. In turn, those around them, feeling their unusualness, often either do not want to come into contact with them or are very prejudiced towards them. In this regard, they often experience feelings of guilt, depression, despondency, and hopelessness. All this can lead to these children becoming embittered, withdrawing into themselves, becoming less social, or retreating into a dream world. Due to their unusual worldview and attitude, such children are more often than others prone to various mental and psychological disorders, ranging from fear of success, loneliness, indomitable desires, to depression, aggression, phobias, dissociation, schizophrenia, autism or paranoid disorders [2] . At the same time, they have pronounced leadership, a reduced barrier of fear, a tendency to dangerous games, determination, perseverance, intuitiveness, self-focus, independence, self-respect, generosity, sacrifice, respect for all living things, friendliness - these are other characteristic features of the behavior of Indigo children. And to this are added the qualities of a strong will, a good sense of humor and high creative abilities [6]. The National Foundation for Gifted Children from the USA gives the following characteristics to gifted children: “Has increased sensitivity. Has excessive energy. He quickly gets bored with any task - it may seem that he is able to concentrate his attention only for a very short time. He needs communication with an emotionally stable and calm adult. Rebels against authorities if they are not oriented towards respectful attitude towards him. Prefers to choose his own learning method. Can quickly lose emotional balance, as it is full of great ideas, but lacks resources and people who can help implement these ideas. Acquires knowledge empirically, refusing cramming and passive learning. Unable to sit still quietly unless he is passionate about something that is of interest to him. Very compassionate; has many fears, such as fear of death or loss of a loved one. If failure befalls him at a young age, he may drop out of school, since in the process of learning that is unacceptable to him, constant resistance to such learning develops. All these qualities are inherent in the Indigo child. Remember that many gifted children have been misdiagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). And many parents are far from the idea that their children are potentially gifted people” [7]. Some sources claim that Indigo children do not actually have a deficit of attention, but rather an excess of it. But due to the fact that their brain works much faster than ours, they still understand the essence of the material presented to them.before the teacher finished talking about it. In this regard, they simply become bored and are distracted by extraneous matters, objects, situations. But as soon as such a child is called to the board, he gets involved in the work and completes the necessary task [3;6]. Researchers have noticed that the problems of raising such children are exacerbated when parents go through a messy divorce or find a new life partner. In turn, studies of problems in families raising children with ADHD show that the two most critical and decisive factors were the parental attitudes of the father and his faith in his child. Mothers naturally and unconditionally expressed their love for their children, especially those who were more dependent and needed help, such as children with ADHD. [7]. These children, to a much greater extent than other children, reflect in their behavior, as in a mirror, all the shortcomings, imperfections and problems of the adults with whom they often come into contact, in particular their parents. And their behavior, sometimes very provocative, surprising, shocking, is nothing more than a desire to show us our imperfection, our subconscious psychological problems, trauma, suffering, and incorrect attitudes. In general, everything that we, adults, should long ago abandon and get rid of in our being. Everything that we need to review, correct and improve in ourselves. Since new children are very sensitive to everything inharmonious, imperfect, unnatural, the state of surrounding disharmony manifests itself in them very clearly and violently. Therefore, it is not surprising that doctors and psychologists often diagnose all kinds of psychological and mental abnormalities, dysfunctions, pathologies and syndromes in these children. But, often this is only the sum of everything that is in the subconscious, the unconscious of those people with whom these children are forced to frequently contact, and not their personal ones. These children, by their behavior, force adults to take a closer look at themselves. To those problems and imperfections that sit in adult uncles and aunties, and from which it is high time to get rid of them, to free ourselves. Psychologist M.A. Kurtysheva in her book “Indigo Children – Our Future?” [6] writes that we need to understand that many problems in the somatic and psychosomatic health of children of the new generation are provoked, of course, by the condition of ourselves. The desirability of pregnancy and the problems of the period of bearing a child, and the condition of the mother during childbirth, and the entire subsequent period of upbringing play a huge role in the future life of the child. Maybe we should not break these Indigos into our stereotype of thinking, behavior, worldview, into our templates, attitudes and idealizations, but rather reconsider and change all of them in ourselves? Now let’s look at another Kryon Indigo Test [17]: Test 4.1. Is your child calmer when he is alone?2. Does your child have a surprisingly accurate sense of insincerity and lies?3. Was there any suspicion in your child’s behavior of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD), or without it, elements of autism (EDA), minimal brain dysfunction (MMD)?4. Does your child have exceptional ability to predict events?5. Did your child say that he came to the planet with an important mission?6. Has your child talked about being royalty?7. Has your child talked about seeing different colors and lights around people?8. Does your child experience tension when coming into contact with pedagogical systems that block intelligence, activity, the ability to combine, invent, and show creativity?9. Does your child express outrage about world problems, wars, the environment, government corruption?10. Has your child said that he sees a better way to complete tasks around the house or at school? 11. Have you noticed that your child considers himself equal to any interlocutor, and does not understand what authority is?12. Does your child havestrong sense of self-worth? If you answered “Yes” to five or more questions, then there is a high probability that your child may be considered Indigo. As can be seen from everything described above, Indigo children also differ from previous generations in their psychological characteristics, and in many respects. The number of such children is steadily growing throughout the world, regardless of the political and economic system of a particular country. Conclusion And so, Indigo children. In this work, we tried to illuminate the new phenomenon of “new” children from different angles. Let's try to put together and list everything that was described in this work about Indigo children. Very often they have a high, or even very high level of intelligence. But at the same time they study poorly and fail exams or tests. “New” children do not accept the traditional system of upbringing and education, rebelling against it in every possible way. They do not tolerate violence against their own will, but need guiding attention, Love and care. They can be rebels and destroyers. They can be aggressive, embittered, intolerant, and disobedient. But they repeat that they need to feel our love for them in order to realize their life plans. They are considered hyperactive and attention-deficient, but do not fit the classic characteristics of these syndromes. I would like to bring here the main idea expressed by the authors of the books “Indigo Children” - Not all Indigo children have ADHD. Not all children with ADHD are Indigos. “New” children have new DNA, superpowers, changes in physiology, neurophysiology, psyche, methods of communication, psychosomatic features, an unusual worldview and worldview. V. Pugach, in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper, says that at the All-Russian Congress of Pediatricians in 2004, more than 300 published reports out of 980 were devoted to such children [20]. M. Kurtysheva in her book quotes the famous physicist, academician A.E. Akimova about children with a new consciousness: “What is the difference between simply gifted children, of whom there were many before, and children of a new consciousness? Gifted children easily master and operate with the knowledge that is given to them, and easily move forward based on this knowledge. “New” children easily operate with knowledge that no one gave them, obtaining this knowledge in a way that is incomprehensible to us adults today” [6]. PS From everything described in this work, we can conclude that humanity is changing as such, whether we believe in it or not. There are profound changes at different levels in the new generation of children. And, apparently, those soothsayers and spiritual leaders who spoke about the future emergence of a new species of humanity were right. Various researchers, spiritual teachers, and even modern scientists say that during this evolutionary period very rapid changes are taking place both in the cosmos itself, in the solar system, on the sun, and on the Earth. And, of course, this cannot but affect the person himself. The era of Pisces has ended and the era of Aquarius has begun. Just as the change of seasons brings changes in nature on Earth, so the change of eras brings its own characteristics. New era - new children. In addition, several more cosmic cycles ended at the same time. All this reached its apogee (completion) during the winter solstice of 20127. The beginning of a new era marks the transition to a new level of human development, its entry into adulthood. This will mark the beginning of the “Golden Age” of humanity. Indigo children are the heralds of the coming of a new era, a new era, which will be characterized by Love-Wisdom, direct communication with the subtle world, gaining knowledge not through logic, but through intuition. These children are already tuned in to new vibrations, to the perception of a new world - the next level of human development. Therefore, it is necessary not to break them to fit existingnow systems of education and upbringing, but to create new ones that would be suitable specifically for them, and direct their violent energy in a positive direction, for the maximum manifestation of the potential inherent in them. If we do not do this, they will begin to destroy, with frantic force, everything that they consider outdated and/or wrong, everything that does not correspond to their new worldview (the new level of human development). But this could lead to a global catastrophe. So who are they, these Indigo children? List of sources used1. Blavatsky E. P. The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2, ed. "Eksmo" - M. 2003.2. Gegenkamp K. Encyclopedia of Indigo, ed. “Sofia” - M. 20073. Virtue D. Caring for Indigo Children, ed. “Sofia” - M. 20074. Glinkina O. Special children - a special approach, // Lyceum and gymnasium education - 2006, No. 95. “Indigo Children”, Evgenia Vagu, Indigo – myth or reality. http 6. Kurtysheva M.A. Indigo Children – Our Future?, ed. “Peter” - St. Petersburg, 20077. Carroll L., Tober D. Indigo Children, ed. “Sofia” - M. 20078. Carroll L., Tober D. Children of Indigo-2, ed. “Sophia” - M. 20079. Melchizedek D. The ancient secret of the flower of life, ed. “Sophia” - M. 200310. Melchizedek D. The ancient secret of the flower of life-2, ed. “Sophia” - M. 200311. Melchizedek D. Live in the heart, ed. “Sofia” - M. 200412. Miloradova E. Indigo Children, // Lyceum and gymnasium education - 2006. No. 913. Website of psychologist V. Pugach, http://pougach.net.ru Alternative opinion about ADHD.14. Website of psychologist V. Pugatch, http://pougatch.net.ru Second test for Indigo.15. Website of psychologist V. Pugach, http://pougach.net.ru If your child has problems in learning and/or behavior.16. Website of psychologist V. Pugach, http://pougach.net.ru Indigo test V. Pugach.17. Website of psychologist V. Pugach, http://pougach.net.ru Kryon Indigo Test.18. Website of psychologist V. Pugach, http://pougach.net.ru Attention disorders in schoolchildren. Myths and reality.19. Website of psychologist V. Pugach, http://pougach.net.ru New trends in the development of Indigo children.20. Website of psychologist V. Pugach, http://pougach.net.ru Russia is becoming illiterate.21. Website of psychologist V. Pugach, http://pougach.net.ru Test for hyperactivity.22. Twyman D. If your child is not like everyone else, ed. “Sofia” - M. 200623. Exclusive interview with Ron Holt, http://promicenter.com.ua/rus/indigochilds/theme-1/article-1 For those who are interested in this topic not only from the materialistic side, we can recommend the following literature: 1. Aktomariel - interview about Indigo children.2. Astragor A. Indigo Children – a cosmic phenomenon.3. Belimov G. Indigo Children in Russia.4. Belimov G. Indigo Children. Who controls the planet.5. Verin S. Indigo Children. Angels smile at them.6. Voitinas Z. Who are they - the children of Indigo.7. Carroll L. Tober J. Indigo Children. 10 years later.8. Külevind G. Indigo Children – Star Children.9. Nai-Ones Sithartha. Indigo Revelations.10. Nai-Ones Sithartha. Indigo Revelations 2.11. Twyman D. If your child is not like everyone else.12. Twyman D. Emissaries of Love.13. Atwater P.M.H. Beyond the Indigo Children. New children and the dawn of a new era. 7In ancient manuscripts and metaphysical sources there is information about the cosmic cycles of development of the galaxy, planets of the solar system, planet Earth and humanity in particular. According to these data, humanity goes through a cyclical development from the era of darkness (Kali yuga) to the era of Light, the “Golden Age” (satya yuga). Between them there are intermediate eras (yugas): Dvapara-yuga and Tretta-yuga. Each yuga is characterized by its own development features. Now humanity is in the era of Dvapara Yuga, that is, it is moving from the age of darkness to the age of Light. Each Yuga has a specific duration. So, by the time of the winter solstice of 2012, several cosmic cycles of varying durations should come to an end. This will mark the transition of humanity to a new level of development (for more information about this, see the works of E.P. Blavatsky, D. Melchizedek, Kryon, etc.). *!
