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Her Majesty Erection. And I am not exaggerating at all in the titles. For a man, problems with erection are a tragedy. Many people become depressed, melancholy, pessimistic, and become irritable or apathetic. Some blame their partner for everything and avoid sex. There are even statistics on suicides due to sexual disorders. That's how serious it is. Erectile dysfunction can appear in both young and adulthood. Its causes can be biological, psychogenic or mixed. Sometimes unidentified. According to statistics, almost every man periodically or once experiences failures in sex. If you take it calmly, give yourself a rest, relax, then most likely the failure will not happen again. But if you work yourself up, make yourself afraid, then, most likely, a “misfire” will not take long to happen. Because a frightening situation will be layered with neurotic complexes and fears. So they will support each other and walk in a vicious circle. If all this lasts more than 3 months, you need to go to a specialist. First to a urologist, then to a sex psychologist. But first of all, you need to calm down. We turn the problem into a task and solve it methodically. Any disorder can be, if not cured, then adapted to it. And not just sex... After all, sex is not just about genital sensations. A woman can be satisfied without having a penis at all. And remember, in a loving couple there are no “your” and “mine” problems. All problems are common, and we solve them together. One of the main mistakes of men, or rather complaints: But before it was.... And I willingly believe them. Was. But during the period of hypersexuality or at a young age. And perhaps this will not happen again. You shouldn't strive for perfection. Sex is not always easy and simple. We must also remember that with age, a man’s sexual function gradually weakens, this is physiology, nothing can be done. Of course, not immediately, and not in one year. Much depends on the type of sexual constitution. With a strong type, abilities last longer than in a man with a weak type. This is an innate quality and cannot be changed. And the type of sexual constitution is so important! Harmony and agreement are more important. If the types do not match, problems may arise in the couple. This leads to conflicts, betrayals, and divorces. The solution is to adapt or find another permanent partner. In accordance with your priorities - love or sex. Decreased erection may occur if you take certain medications. For example, antidepressants, blood pressure lowering drugs, etc. Here you need to consult a doctor. Psychologist-psychotherapist Marina Evgenievna Shadina
