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“Well, I don’t understand what’s happening to me! - the young woman laments. - I am a confident person, I lead people, everything is clear and according to plan. But as soon as the conversation turns to “personal things,” I turn into a “schoolgirl.” I get lost, hide, blush, say stupid things. In a word, I'm behaving strangely. Sometimes I just hate myself. Where does it come from?" Indeed, many people experience recurring situations that frustrate them. But, if you recall at least a few of these unpleasant moments in your memory, you will notice that it’s not even the situation itself that upsets you, but the way you behave in it. Coming out of such a “funnel”, many simply do not recognize themselves. Who was this man? Why did he say that? Why did he do this? All! Next time it will be different! The “next time” comes, nothing clicks inside, “surprises” continue, dissatisfaction with oneself grows. Don't reject yourself and your behavior. If you periodically don’t like yourself and even doubt that you are you, under no circumstances scold yourself for it. Indeed, there are many facets within every person. And, under certain circumstances, they are activated. A person turns to the situation in a way that is convenient for him. Even if it seems to you that you are doing something wrong and saying the wrong thing, this is not an indicator of your stupidity or inadequacy. It’s just that some part of your personality took on a certain situation. And, perhaps, in a hidden way incomprehensible to your mind, it protects you from something more painful or dangerous. Treat any manifestations of your inner self with gratitude. If there is a “misunderstanding” and you don’t get what you want from within, it can always be corrected. When diving into the depths, be careful. Every internal conflict has its own story. Before fixing the problem, it is important to thoroughly understand it. Think about what gave rise to such actions and words in you, why they cause rejection, how important it was for you to maintain your internal integrity in this particular form. If you are determined to change the current state of affairs and restore order inside, then get ready for an unusual, but very educational meeting with your inner cockroaches. Use your imagination, remember what self-confidence is and rearrange the “pieces” at your discretion. Your body will tell you what is good for you. While the situation in which you were “not at your best” is still before your eyes, we will begin to restore peace of mind without delay. Take a comfortable position, relax. 1. Formulate your request. In other words, voice (you can mentally) what you don’t like about yourself, what stresses you out, what creates problems. 2. What feeling prompts you to act as you described in the request? Find it in your body. 3. Create an image of your feeling. Consider it mentally. It can be a concrete or abstract thing, a living creature, some element. In general, whatever your unconscious desires. It is not recommended to think! Whatever comes to mind first will be correct. Check your image: if you enlarge (intensify) it, will your experiences increase? It is important that the image and your feelings are closely interconnected. 4. Mentally remove the image from the body and place it approximately 1-2 meters away from you. 5. Looking at the extracted image, think about what would be more pleasant and positive for you. What other image, to replace the first one, would be useful for you. Describe it in as much detail as possible. When creating your second look, don't skimp on the details. Make it truly beautiful and attractive for you. 6. Mentally accept the second image within yourself. Let it be placed in the same place where the first image was. Monitor your feelings. Be prepared for the fact that a positive image may take up a little more space. In this case, this will only bring positive results. 7. While maintaining a new state, remember the situations in which your first feeling was activated. What has changed, how are you now?/
