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Good evening everyone! I’m coming to you with a story again. Today my former client called me. She brought her daughter to me for a consultation about two years ago. Now my daughter is seven, and this year she is graduating from kindergarten. And yesterday Marusya had one of her last matinees in kindergarten, dedicated to March 8th. The following is a story from my client. I really love children's parties. And when I come to a performance, Marusya really asks me to take a seat in the front row. And I always fulfill her request and try to arrive early in order to have a privileged place) I sit and every time I look with admiration at the children who are performing at the moment. I watch how excited they are when they perform, how they sometimes confuse their words, and sometimes even say something funny. How they look through the eyes of their loved ones, and how they break into a smile when they see their own eyes. But every time, with sadness and tears in my eyes, I watch those children who are looking through the eyes of their relatives, but, unfortunately, do not find them. How do they not understand that at the end of the holiday they have nowhere to go, nowhere to go? While other children run to their parents. (I myself am in tears right now) Fortunately, in our kindergarten, Marina continues, there are teachers who, seeing such confusion in children, always react promptly and give attention to the children. Therefore, I would now like to appeal to those parents who often cannot come to their children’s matinees. Dear parents of preschool children, I understand that each of us has situations when we are sent on urgent business trips, or we get sick, or we have a number of other reasons, certainly valid ones, for which we cannot attend the children’s matinee. But in any situation there is always an alternative, and this alternative could be the presence of any relative at your child’s holiday. This could be a grandmother or grandfather, an aunt or uncle, or any of the godparents. In a word, you can always find a way out of the situation. Please do not use this alternative. Since the child will grow up quickly, but the resentment in his heart may remain forever.
