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Agression can have many reasons, but the main one is dissatisfaction of basic needs. In the animal world, aggression is associated with self-defense and food acquisition. In the human world - with the satisfaction of basic needs (love and security). And in the world of little people, this is complicated by a dependent position. Parents often complain about children’s capriciousness, which develops into aggressive attacks. This also has its own explanation: being capricious, the child “probes” the boundaries of what is permitted, tests his family’s strength. After all, the function of parents is to teach how to interact with the world, test their capabilities, explore themselves and their abilities. One of the parents (mainly the father’s task) must sometimes shout and explain why it is impossible to do this or that way. Thus, showing that the world is not always kind and that people will not serve his first whims. You need to learn to interact with them, there are norms of communication and behavior, there are rules for communicating with adults and peers. This will protect your child from deep disappointments in adulthood, you from exhausting quarrels and showdowns, and the people who will surround him in the future from inexplicable demands and uncompromising decisions. If the boundaries of what is permitted expand and expand, the child is overcome by fear for his own safety: “parents who are unable to set a personal distance, who are unable to control me, will not be able to protect me and teach me how to interact with the world.” Of course, at such moments the child does not realize what is happening, he is simply overcome by emotions. More often, aggression is caused not by the fact of dissatisfaction itself, but by the inability to express it, the lack of faith that one will be heard. It would seem that he wants something, but cannot say it, cannot explain it, or is afraid of being rejected. That's why it's important for families to have at least an hour every evening and one weekend a week to spend time together. You can even do different things, but all be in the same room. Our children always want to share something important with us, to hear about our victories and concerns. Therefore, families live very well and harmoniously, where important issues are resolved at the family council and decisions are agreed upon even with the children. Another reason is the upbringing and copying of the behavior of one of the family members. When aggressive behavior is considered the norm of communication, you should not blame the child - he is just broadcasting what he observes. The third reason is protest. It is observed in families where words are radically at odds with deeds. Where parents allow themselves to discuss adults in front of their children, to humiliate each other, while diligent and respectful behavior is required from the children themselves. Having caught such a discrepancy, the child begins to protest: “either follow your own rules, or don’t demand from me.” The main rule in communicating with children: children learn not by words, but by actions. If you want to change a child’s behavior, change your attitude towards him and towards people. Aggression as an indicator of relationships in the family. If the parents are too busy sorting things out or involved in the outside world, and the child remains “behind the scenes,” he tries to attract attention to himself and distract mom and dad from each other. These can be various behavioral disorders: theft, running away from home, increased anxiety, aggression, even illness. But, unfortunately, such tactics turn out to be unconstructive in case of serious discord in the family, since it becomes an additional factor in mutual accusations, they say, “you don’t know how to raise a child.” Then the child is left “with nothing” and aggression can either increase or change the vector (aggression towards oneself, feelings of guilt). Also, aggression can be a symptom of fatigue, especially in hyperactive and hypersensitive children (with the so-called asthenic body structure: thin, pale, prone to colds and frequent fatigue). In such cases, aggressiveness manifests itself in the evening or after experiencing stress (test, competition,.
