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Recently I heard the following words from one client: “It’s a pity, Oksana, that I didn’t have all this psychological knowledge 10 years ago, when I was 25. I would have done a lot of things differently in my life.” Actually, no There is no point in regretting the past, because “the teacher comes only when the student is ready,” and until he is ready, the teacher will not come, that is, you can “wait for a miracle” only when the “egg” in your brain is ripe for fertilization. What I mean? Our psyche develops more slowly than physics; in 90% of cases out of 100, according to your passport you are a pensioner, but at heart you are a pioneer. You can get the best education in the coolest university in the country, be from a family of professors and have a goose that lays golden eggs, but this does not guarantee a heavenly life on earth. Knowing and applying knowledge are two different things. For example, you know that food at KFC is not the healthiest. And it would be better to slurp chicken broth with rye bread crackers at home, but... Does this knowledge stop you? Do you apply it in practice? Only when your health becomes not very healthy, or because of excess weight it is difficult for you to find clothes for yourself in the store (and, in principle, to move around), you begin to think that something in this life it's time to change. But you had knowledge about the dangers of food in American public catering, no one hid anything from you. That is, it turns out that the question is not at all a question of knowledge. The question is readiness to change. ONLY when we get hit on the head with a shovel or when we see that from our window not only Krasnaya Square, but also the shovel is already visible, do we have a request for changes. And at this moment a teacher appears in our life: theory collapses into practice, and we integrate knowledge into our lives... Until this time, all knowledge is nothing more than boring advertising. Did you regret that you didn’t start therapy early enough? If this had happened 10 years earlier, something would have changed, don’t you think? You can sign up for a consultation here: https://clck.ru/35ZCNXPsychologist, business coach Oksana VaskoMore useful materials in my TG. Subscribe: t.me/psy_4_life
