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Depression - the groaning of the soul A depressed and depressed mental state, a sad and tearful mood, insomnia, self-flagellation, loss of interest in life - this is just an incomplete list of symptoms of depression. Of course, depression does not happen out of nowhere. More often, this is the psyche’s response to external negative events that happened to a person and affected deep mental processes that led to a negative reaction to the event. Regardless of the cause of depression, it is necessary to find a way out of it. And the most important factor for getting out of this oppressive circle is your own desire! To do this, you need to do everything possible and find ways out of depression. The best method is, of course, an integrated approach. I. Very severe depression may require medication with antidepressants and vitamins to help relieve symptoms. In this case, it is important to consult a psychiatrist. II. Breaking out of depression with the “talking cure.” In this case, you will need the help of a psychoanalyst. “PUSH OUT YOUR SOUL.” First, you need to “relieve the burden” of a painful depressive state, that is, talk it out. The psychoanalyst will listen to you without judging, encouraging or giving advice. Its main task is to help you find the source of your own problems, to help you get to know yourself. IDENTIFY THE CAUSE You will plunge into the past, which will allow you to understand what exactly from this past influences your present. The psychoanalyst will “catch” subconscious motives and gently draw your attention to them. REALIZE Now it’s up to your psyche, which needs time. Time to get rid of unnecessary shields, to understand your inner experiences, to understand why you behave the way you do. Understand that now you can act DIFFERENTLY, change your usual behavior scenario. EXPAND YOUR HORIZON Allow yourself to make your own choices. Decide for yourself what you want to stay with, what you want to say goodbye to and what you invite into your life. Because YOU and only YOU know exactly WHAT is best for you. III. And “for dessert.” Getting pleasure or preventing depression. There are several ways you can help yourself: + eat right, i.e. choose those foods that promote a good mood and the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”. Such products include all legumes, mushrooms, millet, buckwheat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese and bananas; + good sleep is necessary. How to normalize your sleep? Before going to bed, you can take a fragrant bath with oils and herbs, drink a warm drink, such as berry broth or milk, and ventilate the bedroom. And go to bed early, around eight or nine in the evening, because serotonin is produced during sleep until 24:00; + physical exercise. Powerful production of serotonin occurs during exercise. You can ride a bike, play football or just walk; + walk in the fresh air and sunbathe. Because the sun's rays also stimulate the production of this valuable substance in the body. You can simply go to the window, point your palms at the sun and stand there for a few minutes, and you will soon feel a surge of energy; + sexual intimacy. During intimacy, not only does the level of serotonin increase significantly, but endorphins are also produced. This is why you feel a surge of strength and emotional uplift;+ take your mind off harmful thoughts and go to the theater or cinema, to a cafe or to an exhibition... Take care of yourself and love yourself. And by doing this you will provide invaluable help to the world around you and to yourself..
