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Trust – is it a price? Without trust, in my opinion, a person’s interaction with the world will be very difficult and strained. A person's trust in the world is formed in the first years of his life. Mistrust is formed from the fear of being misunderstood, not accepted and rejected in society. Following the example of others, we either choose to communicate or not with any person. Fears lock a person’s internal energy and prevent him from opening up and moving forward. Trusting another person is only possible when you trust yourself and accept yourself, when you are able to take responsibility for what happens. You trust when you can accept different situations in the development of interaction. But if you don’t trust yourself, your thoughts, ideas, actions, then you won’t be able to trust others. It is very, very difficult for a person not to trust others, otherwise he does not share responsibility in life, in work, in family and bears this responsibility absolutely himself, thereby conveying a message to others that they are not able to help him and are powerless in their own way , and he himself suffers from the burden that only he can do it as needed. However, it is absolutely and constantly difficult to trust, because every person changes, as do interaction situations. When it is very difficult for a person to trust, you can observe your reactions in these situations. It’s very good at such moments to slow down, watch your breathing, and change your body position. If you do not change your habitual reactions, you can remain in the same state and miss the opportunity for development and change. Lao Tzu says: When a person is born, he is tender and weak; in death, it is hard and tight. When things and plants are alive, they are soft and flexible; when they are dead they are brittle and dry. Thus, hardness and rigidity accompany death, and softness and flexibility accompany life. Without trust, it is not safe. It is natural for any living organism to always overcome obstacles and take risks, relying on itself and the support of loved ones. By taking risks and gaining knowledge and experience of action, a person gains confidence in himself, in his own strengths, if, of course, he draws the appropriate conclusions about what happened and reflects on what he can do for a better result. If you doubt whether to trust or not, get verbal advice in advance confirmation of non-disclosure of your words from your interlocutor. In trust there is always a risk of receiving a reaction completely different from our expectations and the ability of the person himself to withstand this reaction. For example, when trusting something valuable, we always have two options - to get the value back and to be responsible for its loss. But at the same time, any relationship is built on the ability to trust and share with others - this, and only this way, are you included in the relationship. By trusting another person, you change the space between you, invariably reducing it, changing the distance. Trust is always an open question - the solution to which is not always clear, it is always a search. And even if you have a situation of not success, it is always an opportunity for a new experience, certainly with a new model of behavior. Having experienced deception or other negative consequences, a person stops taking risks, trusting and “probing” new things - not allowing himself new valuable experience, help, friendship and sincere communication. A constructive way to cope with this is to increase one’s own support through accepting one’s own experience, emotions and feelings , the opportunity to be ridiculous in some situations, to accept various kinds of weaknesses and emphasize perfections. Remember, you always have a choice! You can trust different people with different experiences, but trusting others always demonstrates trust in yourself..
